Home Letters Strengthening of COVID-19 vaccination efforts imperative
Dear Editor,
It is not lost on the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) that, as at yesterday (July 21, 2021), 21,733 Guyanese have been infected by COVID-19, 515 of whom have lost their battle. The pandemic has, without a doubt, been one of the most significant challenges that the Guyanese people have faced in recent times.
It is now a globally accepted fact that, for the pandemic to be put in the past, there is need for persons to be vaccinated. The FITUG has noted that since vaccination efforts were heightened, there has generally been a reduction in daily cases, while active cases are on the decline. It confirms that vaccination plays a major role in staunching the spread of the dreaded virus.
At this time, we have seen that some 50% of adult Guyanese have received their first COVID-19 shot, and approximately 27% are fully vaccinated. The Federation recognizes, too, that vaccination efforts have been severely set back by irresponsible statements which emanated from certain national leaders. Indeed, it has increased vaccine hesitancy, and is contributing to a lengthening of the pandemic in our country. This for us was most disturbing.
This situation is, however, not unique to Guyana, and in several countries around the world, measures have, and are being, developed to improve vaccination rates. It appears that in Guyana we have now reached that crossroad, and there is need for firm decisions before our lives can get back to normal and we can stop losing lives.
As the pre-eminent workers organisation in Guyana, the FITUG encourages all eligible workers and Guyanese to be vaccinated. The workers movement is built on solidarity, and every worker must be their brother’s or sister’s keeper. Indeed, it is unfortunate that workers who have taken the vaccine have to be exposed to others who have not, or have refused to take the vaccine. We can find no conceivable rationale other than a certified health condition for workers not to take the vaccine. Indeed, workers and all Guyanese need to protect one another. It is part of our collective responsibility.
To this end, the Federation recognises that some enterprises have taken this matter very seriously. Indeed, the health and well-being of the nation’s workers is important. Moreover, our Occupational Safety and Health Act obligates employers to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
In the circumstances of today, receiving the COVID-19 vaccination would be an obvious measure. Against that background, some firms, we have heard and seen, have sought those employees not in receipt of COVID-19 vaccine to submit regular PCR tests to confirm their negative status.
It appears that maybe such measures are necessary to ensure a safe workplace.
We, however, believe the obligation of businesses go beyond that measure. We hold that efforts should be made to ensure customers/clients are also vaccinated and/or tested negative for COVID-19.
Certainly, businesses cannot coerce employees into getting vaccinated, but not seek to ensure that their employees are also protected from contracting the virus from customers. While we know that some employers may contend that the risk of contracting the virus may be lowered in vaccinated personnel, the reality is a risk still exists. And efforts should be made to mitigate that risk as far as practicable.
Against that background, it may now be prudent for the Government to consider the implementation of a vaccination passport or similar measure. This measure, enacted in other jurisdictions, has been helpful in encouraging vaccine uptake. The FITUG, for its part, is willing to share its views and thoughts on such policy. We believe it is now incumbent for stronger measures to be adopted, given the situation. Indeed, an end is near, but it requires our collective efforts.
Federation of
Independent Trade
Unions of Guyana