Strikers edge Wolves

GFF-BFA Senior League 2019…

The intermittent weather pattern is a constant threat to football in Bartica. However, the Bartica Football Association has continued with their GFF-BFA Senior League 2019, despite heavy showers cancelling play for some of the highly anticipated matchups at the Bartica Secondary School ground.
On Friday July 26 the action continued with Potaro Strikers duking it out with Wolves United. With the Strikers ranked 3rd and the Wolves 6th on the points table, the matchup was deemed an easy win for the Potaro side. Potaro Strikers won their match 2-1 to add valuable points to their tally, the main goal scorers for the Strikers were Karon Spencer and Cleavon Murray while the lone goal for the Wolves came from Shane Rahman.
In a brief statement President of the BFA Alden Marslowe when asked his expectation on the league said, “Well for now we are having the Senior League for now we will pick up the other leagues in August. We need to wrap up senior first. The rain is still a challenge but we are getting the games in. This has been our only league in many years and its winding down now. It was not without it challenges but the clubs have given full cooperation, and together we are pulling it through to a successful finish.”
The action in the Senior League will continue during the course of the week, if the weather permits.