Home Letters Sugar industry’s failure has severe repercussions
Dear Editor,
Since the election of the APNU/AFC Government, billion has been provided to the sugar industry to support its operations. This is agreeably a large sum and one that expectedly would have played a big role in boosting sugar production. Therefore, I am really disappointed that instead of going forward, the industry, it seems, is being pushed into the abyss.
It obviously raises the question about the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of the super-salaried IMC and their ‘consultants’ in turning around the industry. Last year there was a lot of adulation showered on the chosen few over the achievement of 231,000 tonnes of sugar. Last year’s production however, was a result of work done in 2014 and inherited by the IMC. This year we are reaping their ‘efforts’ and the proof is in the pudding, a production of 188,000 tonnes according to Minister Winston Jordan’s 2017 Budget speech. Should the latest sugar production be achieved, it would be about 40,000 tonnes lower than last year.
As a taxpayer, I cannot fail to ask whether indeed the right people are managing the sugar industry, or are they managing it to ulterior ends. As a patriotic Guyanese who recognises the industry’s importance to our people and economy, I urge the Government to carefully examine the performance of those they have put to lead the industry. Sugar’s failure will have severe repercussions, not just to those connected, but for all Guyana.
Yours sincerely,
Arnold Peters