Sun Splash Hotel double murder: Corentyne man to be sentenced on Thursday for killing hotelier, watchman

Alvin Durant, a Corentyne farmer who pleaded guilty to killing a Canadian hotelier and his worker back in 2019 will be sentenced on Thursday by Justice Sandil Kissoon, who is presiding over the Berbice Criminal Assizes.
Durant, 49, also known as “Alvin Bhola” and “Blacka,” of Number 65 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, appeared before Justice Sandil Kissoon and entered a guilty plea to the murder indictment brought against him by the State.
He admitted that he killed Harry Prashad and Vivekanand Brijbassi in the Sun Splash Hotel, Number 63 Village, between December 19 and 27, 2019. Attorney Muntaz Ali represented the State at the plea hearing, while Attorney Surihya Sabsook represented the confessed killer.
It was reported that Brijbassi, 71, a Canada-based Guyanese, owned and resided at the Sun Splash Holiday Beach Resort located at Lot 110 Number 63 Village, Region Six. However, on Friday, December 27, 2019, at about 11:20h, the bodies of the two men were discovered on the second flat, in the balcony area of the hotel.
This newspaper was told that relatives visited the resort after several telephone calls to the overseas-based Guyanese had gone unanswered.
According to a relative, upon arrival, persons were greeted by a stench coming from the building, and this prompted them to call the Police.
The body of Brijbassi, who had arrived in Guyana on December 16, 2019, was found with two toes from his left foot severed; and Prashad was found with both hands tied behind his back onto a post on the balcony, and his left foot was severed at the ankle.
Investigators concluded that the men had been tortured before being killed. In May 2019, Brijbassi had reported that he had been robbed on several occasions, including once at knifepoint, when he came to Guyana.
Previously, he had reported that he was robbed more than ten times while visiting Guyana between 2015 and 2019.
Over 18 years ago, he opened the Sun Splash Hotel and Resort, but the business never did well. He subsequently closed operations and went to Canada, but returned to Guyana frequently. While in his homeland, he usually opened the place for business.
In June of this year, a man who was a juvenile when he killed Brijbassi and Prashad was sentenced to serve four years in custody after pleading guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter. This is in addition to a series of rehabilitative orders imposed by a Judge.
In accordance with the Juvenile Justice Act, notwithstanding that the felon is now an adult, he is afforded certain protections because he committed the crime while he was a juvenile. As such, his name, address, other particulars, and photographs cannot be published.
After he completes serving the sentence, the young man will be placed on probation for three years, during which he has to report to the Chief Probation Officer monthly.
In addition to this, he has to inform the Chief Probation Officer of any changes to his address and can leave the country only if he gets permission from the court. Judge Simone Morris-Ramlall told the man that after he is released from prison, he must try to find gainful employment.
She also placed him on a bond to keep the peace and to be of good behaviour while on probation, and to perform community service for one hour weekly, for six months. Noncompliance with these orders would permit the State to make an application to have his sentence reviewed with the intention of changing same. (Feona Morrison)