
Dear Editor,
The Caribbean Voice, like many Guyanese, is thrilled that elevators are being installed at the various overpasses on the EBD road, especially since such is critical for the elderly, disabled and sick, to enable them to use the overpass.
We now repeat our call for the steps on both sides of the overpass to be completely enclosed, to prevent anyone from jumping off the steps in suicide attempts. Already there has been one such victim. The bottom line is that small, proactive measures like this are the strategies that lead to a gradual decline of suicide.
Secondly, TCV lauds those involved in the protests and picketing in front of Mae’s, and applauds the administration’s decision to apologise. However, given the psychological trauma that the child has experienced, compounded by the bullying, we strongly urge the school to not only provide counselling to the child, but to also hold anti-bullying and cultural sensitisation sessions with all students.
And, of course, the school’s administration and staff also need cultural sensitivity and emphatic communication training, for obvious reasons.
Finally, TCV has noted the use of terms like ‘mentally unsound’, ‘unsound mind’, ‘mentally challenged’ to refer to persons with mental illnesses. We strongly urge that these terms be replaced by “mentally ill” or “suffering from mental illnesses as generally advocated by mental health activists and practitioners”. The fact is that no one who suffers from a physical illness is referred to as physically unsound, unsound body, or physically challenged.

The Caribbean Voice