Surinamese Police hunting woman who sold state-owned house before fleeing to Guyana

Law enforcement officers in Suriname are investigating a case of fraud involving a woman who allegedly sold a state-owned worker’s house in Mariënburg to two unsuspecting victims before fleeing to Guyana.
According to information coming out of the Dutch-speaking country, the suspect, identified as Savitree Persaud, reportedly convinced the victims that they could move into the house after paying her for renovation costs.
Persaud claimed that she was leaving for Guyana and told the victims that after the renovations, the house would belong to them. However, it was later revealed that the property in question is a workers’ house owned by the state of Suriname, not Persaud.

Wanted: Savitree Persaud

One of the victims, a woman named Jasmin, told the Waterkant news that she paid Persaud 59,000 SRD to secure permanent residence in the house. After handing over the money, Jasmin found that Persaud was no longer reachable and had fled to Guyana.
Another victim also reported paying Persaud nearly 50,000 SRD for the same house.
The police in Mariënburg are currently investigating the matter and have launched a search to locate and arrest Persaud, who is believed to be in Guyana. Authorities are urging anyone with information on her whereabouts to come forward as the investigation continues.