As investigations continue into the double murder at Crane Village, West Coast Demerara, the suspect, Suresh

Ganesh, told detectives that after reading a text message in his wife’s phone, he flew into a rage and committed the act.
He also told investigators that on the morning of the chopping, he and his now dead wife were consuming alcohol when he went through the phone and saw the text message from one of his close associates.
Although, he tried to enquire about the text message, she refuted the claim that she was having a relationship with the person who had sent the message. She reportedly told him that they were just friends.
It was this that led to the unjustifiable brutal attack on the wife for the past seven years, son and mother. The brutal attack occurred at about 06:00h, leaving little Christopher Ganesh and wife Vanessa Sookram dead.
His mother Jennifer Montizore was also injured and her condition has been listed as serious. Her right-hand was severed as well as her fingers on the left hand.
Reports are that the child was found on the bed while his mother was covered in blood on the floor in the shack in which they lived. The child was chopped in his abdomen while his mother was chopped some 20 times.
After committing the act, the suspect escaped and went to another relative at Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara, where he related what occurred. The relative attempted to get Ganesh to surrender to the Police but he too was attacked and injured.
The Police were summoned and upon approaching the suspect, they were attacked by the man who was carrying a cutlass. In retaliation, the Police discharged a round hitting him to the hip.
He was taken to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where he was treated and taken into custody.