Suspension of PPP councillor: Councillor slams APNU ‘bullyism’; calls mayor’s actions unjust

Councillor Carol Trim-Bagot, who represents the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) on the New Amsterdam Town Council (M&TC), has been suspended for three months after it was recommended and voted on when the Council held its statutory meeting on Monday.

Suspended PPP Councillor Carol Trim-Bagot

Mayor Wainwright McIntosh, addressing the media on the issue at a press conference on Tuesday, has said, “The Mayor and Town Council of New Amsterdam took decisive action yesterday (Monday) by passing a motion to suspend Councillor Carol Trim-Bagot from her duties on the Council, effective immediately.”
The mayor said the decision was made in accordance with the Standing Orders and rules of the Council, “specifically Cap. 28:01 Standing Order 9(h), which provides the framework for maintaining decorum and respect within our governing body.”
Councillor Carol Trim-Bagot meanwhile held a press conference after she and other PPP councillors walked out of the Council’s statutory meeting after the motion for her suspension had been passed. Declaring it a sad day for the town of New Amsterdam, she said, “The modus operandi of APNU (A Partnership for National Unity) is always to silence people. The ‘bullyism’ that transpired was uncalled for. The mayor has acted outside of his capacity as the mayor,” she told reporters.
When he spoke at the press conference held by the Council on Tuesday afternoon, the mayor said the motion for this councillor’s suspension was not being taken lightly.
“It follows a pattern of behaviour exhibited by Councillor Trim-Bagot that has been deemed unacceptable by her fellow Council members. Over recent months, there have been numerous instances where Councillor Trim-Bagot has displayed a lack of respect towards both the Mayor and her fellow Councillors. Such conduct not only undermines the collaborative spirit essential for effective governance, but also threatens to bring the esteemed work of the Council into public disrepute.”
The mayor said the decision to suspend Councillor Trim-Bagot is intended to serve as a reminder of the responsibilities that come with public office.
“Elected officials are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the values of our community and the trust placed in them by the citizens of New Amsterdam,” he detailed.
He said the Council has also noted this Councillor’s posture to use the Council’s Chambers to make veiled, lude, derogatory, slanderous and defamatory comments against other Councillors utilising her immunity for things said within the hallowed walls of the Council Chambers to avoid being sued for comments made within the Council’s Chambers.
According to the mayor, such abuse of the Council should never be tolerated, as it sets a bad and dangerous precedent.
“It is noteworthy that suspending a member is not new. The Guyana Parliament has suspended members for what it deemed to be misconduct. It is in a similar vein that this decision was taken. It must be underscored that the Council observed all the tenets of democracy when the motion was moved, and the chairman allowed for robust debate before putting the question to the Council, who ultimately decided that the councillor (has) consistently misconducted herself,” he continued.
At the M&TC meeting on Monday, only 13 councillors on the 14-person Council were present, and when the motion was put to the floor, the six PPP councillors voted against it while the six APNU councillors voted for it. The mayor, who has the casting vote, ensured that the motion was passed.
In another press conference held by the PPP on Wednesday, Councillor Trim-Bagot said she would get the Local Government Commission involved in the matter, and noted that the section used to try to suspend her from the Council was incorrect.
She also said she would be moving to the court to have her issue resolved. (G4)