Switch on inner light to conquer inner darkness – Dr Ashni Singh tells Berbicians

Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh has called on all Guyanese to switch on their inner light in order to conquer inner darkness.
He made this call on Saturday evening while addressing hundreds who gathered for the “One Guyana” Diwali Jalsa held at Corriverton, Region Six.
Addressing hundreds, mostly Hindus, on the final night of the event at the Corriverton Recreational Park, Minister Singh reminded that Diwali is a very special occasion on the Hindu calendar.

Dr Ashni Singh addressing the large gathering at Corriverton on Saturday evening

It is an occasion when Hindus pay obeisance and worship to Lakshmi Mata, who is the Goddess of light.
“We must switch on the inner light, the light that is within our brain, mind, and heart. Switch on the inner light to conquer the inner darkness. Lighting up the light in our heart so that we transmit positive emotions to all around us; it is just as important as lighting up the physical light to conquer physical darkness.”
He added that all Guyanese have a duty to give off positivity.

Dr Singh lights the symbolic diyas on Saturday evening

“Not only on our significant religious occasions but in our daily lives; doing the good things, doing the right things, being of service to our family, our neighbours, community and to our country.”
Diwali or Deepavali is the Hindu festival of lights with its variations also celebrated in other religions. It symbolises the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.
Diwali is celebrated during the Hindu lunisolar months of Ashvin (according to the Amanta tradition) and Kartika between around mid-September and mid-November. The celebrations generally last five or six days.
The inaugural “One Guyana” Diwali Jalsa was held between November 7 and 11 and was sponsored by the Office of the First Lady; Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce along with the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport.
The celebration featured a variety of cultural performances and displays of craft, art, and food. Exhibitors and mandirs from across the region participated in the event.