“System of democratic Govt made more secure” – Pres Ali on new JSC

The Judicial Service Commission’s (JSC) new members were sworn in on Friday by President Dr Irfaan Ali, who disclosed his belief that their appointment will now alleviate some of the burden on Guyana’s Judiciary.
The newly appointed members are: Chancellor of the Judiciary, Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards; Chief Justice Roxane George; Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Manniram Prashad; former Chancellor, Justice Carl Singh and Chairman of the Law Reform Commission, Justice Beasraj Singh Roy.
The JSC is a constitutional body established under Article 198 of the Constitution of Guyana that handles matters related to appointments, discipline, removal and promotion of judicial officers.

Newly-appointed members of the JSC – Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards; Chief Justice Roxane George; Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Manniram Prashad; former Chancellor, Justice Carl Singh and Chairman of the Law Reform Commission, Justice Beasraj Singh Roy – alongside President Dr Irfaan Ali; Prime Minister Mark Phillips; Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, Parliamentary Affairs and Governance Minister Gail Teixeira, and Director of Public Prosecutions, Shalimar Ali-Hack

President Ali congratulated the new members on their three-year appointment and shared his hope for them to ease the burden on the court system that has been experiencing an immense caseload for some time now.
“Our judicial system is not without its challenges. We’re woefully short of a full cabinet of Judges and Magistrates. This naturally has placed a greater burden on the existing pool of judicial officers,” Ali said. “Now that the JSC is placed, it is anticipated that some of those burdens will be lifted and thereby allow for the smoother turning of the wheels of justice.”
The JSC, the President remarked, is a symbol of a secure democratic Government, independent of coercion from the Executive or Legislative arms.
“The JSC shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority. My Government shall respect the independence of the Judiciary,” Ali said.
“I assure you, the members of the JSC and by extension, the Judiciary, of our continued support in the implementation of your budget—importantly, in ensuring that we invest in the right technology systems, and put in place the infrastructure that would allow the smooth, efficient, transparent, reliable functioning of the Judiciary,” Ali said

Meanwhile, the President advised the Commission to guard the independence, integrity and impartiality of the judicial system as the country continues to undergo massive transformation.
“This process of modernisation that our country is going through requires not only the legislative arm of Government to work assiduously on the modernisation of legislation and laws, but the Judiciary also to be working at a pace that is consistent with the changes and transformation that is taking place in our country,” Ali said.
“For this to be done, you need the right complement of human resources, infrastructure, technology, right system, [and] importantly, you also need to ensure that those who are tasked with the responsibility of the Judiciary too fulfil their responsibility…and ensure that the efficiency of the system is complemented by the efficiency of their individual actions,” Ali said.
President Ali stated that with the right combination of effort, diligence, commitment, responsibility and investment, Guyana’s Judiciary can be second to none in the Region.
In accordance with Article 198 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c), Justice Cummings-Edwards, Justice George and PSC’s Prashant were appointed as ex officio members of the JSC, while Justice Singh was appointed after meaningful consultation with the Leader of the Opposition, and Justice Roy was appointed after consultations with several bodies representing lawyers in Guyana.
On Thursday, Prashad, Maurice Gajadhar, Melcita Bovell, Chandrawati Ramson, Mohandatt Goolsarran and Janice Bowen were sworn in by President Ali as new members of the PSC.
Prashad, who was later appointed PSC Chairman, also serves as a member on both the JSC and the Police Service Commission.
There has been no JSC since 2017 as the last Commission was appointed by former President Donald Ramotar in September 2014.