Taking stock…

                                                   …of Mash?

The economy continues its inexorable downward slide into the abyss of recession and worse; political acrimony rises in and out of Parliament; crime just won’t go away but becomes qualitatively more dangerous because now even the petty bandits have “big guns”; thousands are facing layoffs; official corruption is exposed every day in the newspapers – but thank God, being Guyanese, we’re maintaining our sporting traditions.

After presumably a hard year’s work in 2016, we’ll be Mashing in 2017. Under the theme, “Celebration with dignity, liberty and greater unity”. Your Eyewitness isn’t so sure how much dignity we’ll have, since Mash, of course, will come after the Christmas and New Year “sports” and we would’ve started the year flat broke – or more to the point – in hock to everybody who was willing to listen to our entreaties as to why they should give us credit to “get down” for the “holidays”.

But let’s talk a bit more about Mash, shall we, dear readers? This year, Mash – which commemorates our attainment of Republican status – was downplayed so we could “big up” the 50th anniversary of our Independence from Britain. And boy did we “Big it up”!! The Bill for just building the “Jubilee” wooden stadium came out around $1 billion. Yep… that’s right… ONE BILLION! With $300 million sourced from the Lotto Funds on an “emergency” basis!

Now “Republic Day” is just gilding the independence Lilly. The only change is we exchanged the “titular President” and an all-powerful Prime Minister with an all-powerful Executive President and a “titular Prime Minister”. And to be frank about it that change to the Executive Presidency was made just to satisfy the megalomaniac ego of Forbes Burnham, who wanted to be Queen! Barbados, for instance, still has a Governor-General representing the Queen as Head of State and isn’t a Republic. And they’ve done quite well, thank you. But of recent there have been rumours of throwing out the Queen!

But back to us and our Mash. This is just a poor man’s hand-me-down TT Carnival. If we’re going to bring back the Republican celebration, why don’t we create something uniquely Guyanese? With the emphasis on the word “create”. There are so many Guyanese out there with oh so much talent… why don’t we harness that energy and show the world who we are? Who knows… they may even pay us to come down as tourists.

There aren’t many countries in the west who can market a “Chinese” heritage that goes back to 1853, are there? Or Indian?

These two BRICS countries just happen to be sending the most tourists into the world today.

…of the experts

It had to happen sooner than later now that it’s confirmed by three wells out of four have struck it rich in the Stabroek field. “Experts” will be coming out of the woodwork to tell us natives how to spend our money. The first one gave a lecture and imagine, he still kept talking after the fella who sold us that Smart City Parking meter deal appeared as a “Guyanese businessman”.

You’d think the “oil expert” would’ve recognised a fellow member of the “Sacred Order of Used Car Salesmen” and beat a quick retreat. But then, that just meant you don’t know the species!! Take for instance the pearls of wisdom that dropped from the mouth of the “oil expert” as every one of the dailies dubbed him.

We might just develop “Dutch Disease”. Really??!! Too bad that’s already happened with the neglect of agriculture. That we need to build on-shore petroleum processing facilities, really? Why didn’t the Government and opposition think about that?

Hey!! There’s no harm in listening, is there. Just be sure to watch for the bill.

…of definitions

It’s not only in the boxing ring “some can run, but can’t hide”. Did you see former president Jagdeo repeatedly jab a hapless Jordan with: “What’d you mean by ‘fiscal space”?? Ouch!!