Taking stock …of oil impact

As your Eyewitness has been commenting, it’s now five years since we’ve been pumping oil from under our Atlantic; 500 million barrels have already been brought up, and we’ve received US$5.5 billion for our (comparatively small) share.The deal – such as it is – was “negotiated” by Raphael Trotman under instructions from the PNC coalition cabinet, according to him. So, it’s mighty strange that those who’re kvetching about our share and demanding “renegotiation” have studiously ignored that factoid, innit?!! Hadn’t Global Witness suggested that Trotman be prosecuted??
Another weakness of the contract – aside from the measly bonus and royalties – is that our 50% profit is calculated – like all profits – after expenses to the company have been deducted from revenues. But the expenses aren’t confined to the particular field, like say, Lisa 1 – but from the entire Stabroek block. So, the 75% allowable expenses that leave just 25% overall to be split half-and-half won’t allow our share to rise until the exploration of the Stabroek block is completed!!
This is due to the missing “ringfencing” clause we hear about!! But we will get that real 50% profit eventually!!
Anyhow, we now come to the crux of the matter – improving the living standards of “us, the people,” after five years of pumping oil. Now, right off the bat, we should know this improvement ain’t gonna hit everyone instantaneously. Oil doesn’t come with a Fairy Godmother waving a wand!! In this modern world, the dignified and ultimately sustainable way to improve peoples’ lives is to create jobs for them. They can then spend their wages and salaries and improve their lives the way THEY want it.
Well, jobs HAVE been created – some 5000 directly from oil, and several times from the multiplier effects of the Government’s
oil-fuelled developmental projects.
Has anyone tried getting handymen to do odd jobs around their yards and homes?? That’s right…you can’t get them for love or money! And that’s because they’re otherwise employed!!
Then there are the other aspects of the good life – like education and medical care. The Government’s building modern schools and hospitals all over the place, and training personnel to staff them; so, while we may still face the old bottlenecks right now…there’s light at the end of that tunnel!!
Then there’s transportation. While, back in the day, Roosevelt had promised Americans “a chicken in every pot”, this Government seems to’ve ensured “a car in every driveway”!! Remember just yesterday when a bicycle was the best we could aspire to?? More cars need more roads and bridges, so that backups – which used to be a First World problem – don’t get outta hand?
And housing? Look at the house lots given out and homes built!! Yes…our lives have been improved!!

…of policing
Imagine the shamelessness of Hamilton Green: not just to keep on insisting on abusing the honorific “Elder”, but to criticize the Government for “politicizing” the Police Force by appointing Acting COP Hicken to the substantive position because he’s past 55. Now, your Eyewitness can point – as our AG did – to Section 2(b) of the Constitution (Prescribed Matters) Act. This provision allows the President to authorise the Commissioner to continue serving beyond the retirement age of 55, but not beyond 60!!
But what gets your Eyewitness’s goat is Green mentioning he’s been around since the sixties – yet speaks about “politicizing” the GPF!! Green was there with Burnham used the latter’s politicising the police to harass and hound anyone they suspected of opposing the PNC. If we need an official expose of this horrendous practice, we need to look no further than the CoI into the assassination of Rodney.
What’s more “politicising” the GPF than forcing its officer corps to swear allegiance to the Kabaka at PNC Congresses!!

…of corrupt cops
That Brutus attempted to flee the jurisdiction via the Takutu Bridge into Brazil should alert officialdom they gotta tighten up that route. Yes, Brutus was snagged; but your Eyewitness thinks that’s due to his notoriety!!