…of moral rottenness
Your Eyewitness just can’t take it anymore with this stench from the pus of moral rottenness oozing out of the PNC-led coalition government, as the media continues to scratch the surface of the façade of sanctimoniousness they adopted when in Opposition.
They have been wallowing in every moral failing they accused the PPP government of committing, and this is what makes it unforgiving.
They cannot excuse the rapacious behaviour of their functionaries on the ground that they “didn’t know this could happen”. Forewarned should be forearmed. The point that they haven’t been able to prove their strident charges against the PPP (Nandlall law books are the best they can do?? Puleeese!!) makes their present orgy of raiding the public purse even more revolting.
And let’s not think it’s only the PNC; they at least have the excuse they’re keeping up their party’s tradition. Let’s just look at “Mr Holier-than-thou” Rupert Roopnaraine from the WPA — a sitting senior minister of the government. Whatever happened to that corporation he and a host of hustlers formed to “develop” Durban Park for their big Jubilee Bash?? How many millions did they collect from businesses?? Why can’t they reveal who those businesses are, so we can be spared the exercise of connecting the dots when certain businesses collect their “political investments”?
As Minister of Education, he can put his foot down and prohibit poor people’s children from writing more than 10 subjects at CSEC. So what if they do that, hoping to snag one of the few scholarships being offered to the complete student pool?? HIS daughter was able to get her scholarship with less than 10 subjects, didn’t she? Not to mention that his then junior minister, Nicolette Henry, also huffed one.
But this “house rent” scam is in a league all by itself!! Okay, the 50% raise for ministers was hard to swallow — especially when 10% couldn’t be found for the government workers who actually do all the work the ministers take credit for, and the pay raised had to be investigated through investigative journalism by GTimes — but the people of Guyana swallowed. Then came the obligatory tinted black SUV with chauffer, maid, gardener, security guard (with luxury toilet!) and ,000 “housing allowance”. It was more difficult, but again Guyanese swallowed.
But to be now informed that while all that raping of the treasury was going on, junior ministers were secretly getting rentals of 0,000/MONTHLY paid for by Parliament is just too much. And it’s not even “affirmative action”, since the Amerindian junior minister from the deepest Rupununi was forced to live in the government “Villas”.
What next? That warehouse rentals are paid for even when there’s no warehouse?
…in Maths
Looks like Maths is also a challenge to the EU and some in the local press. They announced that, between 2006 and 2016, the EU delivered 8 BILLION to Guyana in support of our sugar industry for the 36% cut in prices they unilaterally imposed back in 2005. Now you’d think the EU would know this was RIDICULOUS!
After all, the TOTAL amount they’d allocated for all 71 countries in the ACP to compensate for breaking their Lome/Cotonou Protocol on sugar was 1.2 billion Euros. This works out to around 8 billion Guyana dollars!! So did Guyana get ALL of the money?? Sheesh!! But of course, the Muckraker jumped all over the PPP to have them “explain” what they did with the8 Billion.
Even though, on Jan 24, 2015, they reported, “To date, Guyana has received over B since the execution of the Guyana National Action Plan (GNAP) in 2006 on Accompanying Measures for Sugar Protocol Countries alone.” And that after holding up payments, the EU gave the final .4B to APNU in 2016.
Total?? .4B!!
…and fishy stories
Agri Minister Holder acknowledged Climate Change is affecting the ocean’s salinity. And to deal with Guyana’s adaptation, he’s introducing new species of fingerlings!
He plans to restock the ocean when we can’t even farm tilapia in ponds.