Talkers versus doers

Dear Editor,
It is with a sense of pride and gratitude that I pen this letter in honour of the outstanding work done by a son of the soil, Mr. Azruddin Mohamed, who has been a beacon shining all around the Guyana landscape.
He is a source of goodwill and benevolence to all Guyanese from all walks of life; we will forever be thankful to this man.
Other persons or organizations that are worthy of honourable mention are Men on a Mission (MOM) and Women of Worth (WOW), among notable groups. These stand out in their charitable work for Guyanese, and, for this cause, they must be commended.
Now, I have deliberately left out the organization IDPADA-G, a prominent grouping set up for the express purpose of helping Black People who are in need. What is more distressing is that this is an organization that receives state funding, but fails in its stewardship commitment to the race when it comes to actual performance.
After years of receiving taxpayers’ money, they cannot show what they have done for The Race. Not one damn thing can be shown, although they are user-uppers of millions of state funds. Dr Jagdeo has called them out for this parasitic stance of theirs; that is, drawing down on huge sums of public money yet showing nothing in return.
I would venture even further to say that this is not a matter for Jagdeo, this is a matter that all civilized, right-thinking Guyanese want clarity on. You are talking about state funds, our hard-earned money, that is being channelled into the hands of a supposedly nonpartisan NGO, when that grouping is not fulfilling its obligation to the people.
Then it behooves us to believe that such an organization should be disbanded forthwith! Public funds must be publicly accounted for, there are no slush funds in this dispensation of government, period!
Shouldn’t this be the preoccupation of Nigel Hughes and persons of his ilk? Shouldn’t this be the high talking point of Hughes and company when addressing the needs of The Race? What we find today is a campaign to nitpick on irrelevant issues, such as who constitutes the racial makeup of the Hamitic or Negroid Race? Shouldn’t their thoughts be consumed by the workings of IDPADA-G and its commitment to The African Race in Guyana?
These are the high points that ordinary people want to see in Guyana, and not a recolonization of the minds of The Black Race by a few claptraps masquerading under the caption of helping The Race. By their actions, the present cadre of persons in IDPADA-G are solidly telling persons of African Ancestry that all Blacks are not created equal, or if they are to be considered Black, they must give blind allegiance to The PNC Party.
Chief party activist Volda Lawrence was pellucid in that statement. “Comrades, you must follow your leaders and do not ask questions”. In essence, it meant calling on Blacks to give blind allegiance to an organization that does not care for The Race.
However, I must remind The PNC IDPADA-G that every time we see another philanthropic act by Mr Mohamed, or any other such organization for that matter, it marks an indelible indictment on the organization in the decade for Coloured Peoples.

Neil Adams