Talking …to the world 

President Ali’s gonna be addressing the UN General Assembly this Wednesday. But, this ain’t his first rodeo, is it?? This will be his fourth shot from this bully pulpit! But with all the buzz about us becoming a player on the world stage – because of our carbon-emitting oil and carbon-capturing jungles? – will there be a difference?? ‘Cause your Eyewitness hasn’t seen any changes the speeches of the dozens of world leaders have made in the world since 2021. Now since this ain’t because of any fault of OUR Prezzie – all his speeches have been cogent and the points made reported widely – it gotta be something about the UNGA- in terms of fulfilling its mandate to “save succeeding generations(after WWII) from the scourge of war”! As the old saw goes… when all other explanations fail, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!!
In 2021 and succeeding years, Prezzie raised the issue of Mad Maduro’s threats to annex two-thirds of our national territory – a claim which Venezuela had raised for the first time in 1962 at the very forum, We’d placed our fate in the UN system for settling disputes by referring the border controversy to the UN Secretary General – as per the Geneva Agreement which Venezuela had signed. In turn, the UN SG – following the dispute resolution mechanism of the UN’s Art 33 – sent it to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for a judicial resolution.
So, you’d think that when Venezuela thumbed its nose at the body and declared it didn’t recognise their jurisdiction – at a minimum they would’ve been told that their outlaw behaviour wouldn’t  be tolerated. Either they agreed on the terms of reference of the UN or they don’t! Just two days before Prezzie’s speech, they’d announced “nullifying” our oil blocks award – but uncensored, then went on to actually pass a law on annexing our Essequibo!! Venezuela can’t come there to complain about how the Americans are ganging up on them when they’re doing the same thing to tiny Guyana!! Doesn’t the rule of equity that says they must come with “clean hands” apply?  But we can see that the UNGA has just become a glorified talk-shop for world leaders to pontificate to the world – and have a good time in the City that never Sleeps!!
But the uselessness of the UN was made clear when Pres Biden announced the US wasn’t pursuing any Cold War against China – yet imposed sanctions on semiconductors. Russia spoke about world peace and then invaded Ukraine less than six months later!! And China keeps threatening Taiwan!!
Now your Eyewitness isn’t saying that Prezzie shouldn’t be speaking at the UNGA. Just that we shouldn’t hold our breath for anything to come out of it!!

…and doing also
But it was clear since 2021, that Prezzie didn’t have no rose-coloured glasses on!! And came out swinging!! As luck would have it, he was scheduled to speak the day after Venezuela and boy did he get his licks in!! As we Guyanese say, “tek first lick, but not last lick!!” Referring to Venezuela’s “overt threats” over their Border Controversy, Pres Ali declared forcefully, “We have responded in clear terms. And I repeat our response now in these hallowed halls in which nations of the world meet in peace and co-operation. Guyana cannot be used as an altar of sacrifice for the settlement of Venezuela’s internal political differences.”
Since then, following Mad Maduro’s military provocations, we have begun to tighten our alliances with countries that have common interests with us to stop the madman. We don’t have to apologise for inviting the US SouthCom to hold exercises in our country; to retool our defence forces; to think of a military in the Essequibo, etc.
Duce me!!

…about corruption
The sprouts of corruption have clearly germinated after four years of the PPP coming into office – following the PNC’s five-year rape of the state treasury.
No nipping in the bud now – gotta be uprooted and exterminated!