TAU honours Grandmaster Anand at chess festival in Guyana

Texila American University (TAU) proudly hosted a prestigious chess festival organised by the Guyana Chess Federation (GCF), with special guest Grandmaster Vishwanathan Anand, on the university campus. The event was generously sponsored by TAU, and was aimed at promoting the game of chess among students and youth in Guyana.
Grandmaster Anand, a renowned figure in the world of chess, interacted with students, professors, and attendees, sharing his valuable insights and experiences in the game. He also had the opportunity to witness 200 children from various schools across Guyana participating in chess matches, inspiring and motivating them with his presence.

Scenes from the chess festival at which Grandmaster Vishwanathan Anand was honoured by TAU

TAU Chief Operating Officer (COO), Dr Ajay Kumar Singh Rajput warmly welcomed Grandmaster Anand and expressed gratitude for his participation in the festival. Grandmaster Anand was also treated to a presentation about Texila in the boardroom, showcasing the institution’s commitment to excellence in education and community engagement.
GCF President Anand Ragnauth was also present at the event, further highlighting the collaborative efforts between the Federation and Texila in promoting chess in Guyana.
TAU President and Founder Saju Bhaskar expressed his enthusiasm for sponsoring such initiatives that encourage intellectual development and sportsmanship among the youth. Despite his absence due to prior commitments, Bhaskar’s vision for promoting education and extracurricular activities remains steadfast.
The chess festival serves as a testament to the importance of fostering intellectual pursuits and community engagement, with Grandmaster Anand’s presence adding prestige and inspiration to the event.

About Texila American University:
Texila American University is an international medical school located in Georgetown, Guyana, dedicated to providing quality education in medicine, management, public health, and information technology. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, TAU aims to produce highly-skilled healthcare professionals equipped to address global health challenges.