
…conduct for a big man
Just when your Eyewitness thought Trump couldn’t surprise us any longer, up comes the testimony on 60 minutes of “Stormy Daniels” about their affair! Now, the claim’s been circulating for the longest while but this was, well…60 MINUTES!! This was the premier investigative journalism putting THEIR reputation on the line to have the one-time porn star tell her story directly!!
Well, they certainly grabbed the attention of a lot of folks since it garnered their largest audience in decades!! While quite a chunk of that crowd probably wanted to be titillated (no pun intended!) by the buxom blonde, it was most likely the same demographic who voted for Trump and wanted to revel in the “macho” exploits of their leader.
Let’s face it folks – none of these salacious revelations are going to hurt Trump at that sensitive spot – the ballot box! As we say in Guyana, all the Stormy episode proves is “Trump a maan!!” If, after we had Trump caught on tape boasting how he grabs the “p*ssy’ of random young attractive women, the Christian evangelical movement of the States could reaffirm their support for him, what else could make them shift?
The revelation that most of Trump’s latest sexual encounters of the weird kind had him sublimating his sexual desires for his daughter?? Naaah! Among the southern, red neck, gun-toting yahoos who follow him, they don’t even BOTHER with any sublimation!! It’s all in the family!! But seriously folks, Trump’s behaviour has done wonders for a democratic world order. Look at it this way…do you think world leaders can take whatever Trump says seriously after all his low-class escapades? Kim Jong Un??
But it’s not just Trump, is it folks?? He’s simply the object through which the new America is channelling its angst. Ever since WWI ended and Britain passed its world-straddling hegemony over to the US, they could now tutor us on what was “civilised” and what was not – just as England had done for centuries. But apart from their big guns and big bombs, the Europeans always insisted they were crude, gum-chewing hicks.
But your Eyewitness thinks it was just sour grapes and Trump’s crudity and its approval by the majority of Americans is merely a symptom of a changing world order in which the US just won’t be as all powerful as they had been for the last half-a-century. Change is never easy…especially when the change is seen as a “come down”.
So, dear reader, let’s not be too harsh on Trump – he’s just a sign of the (US) times. We have a whole lot of relatives over there now.
And you’d be surprised how many support Trump!!

…and not cricket
As your Eyewitness suggested, maybe Trump has a (structural) excuse for his low-class behaviour. But what’s the excuse of Steve Smith?? Here’s a young man who was being mentioned in the same sentence as Sir Don Bradman…and he condones and even encourages ball tampering?? What the heck’s going on? While the Europeans might’ve suggested the Americans were rough around the edges, having been tutored longer, we in the Empire assumed we knew better.
And nothing proved our credentials than cricket!! Which, for the record, the Aussies played at the highest levels long before us, because they were “white”. It was said by the Duke of Wellington that the Battle of Waterloo (the Brits against the Europe-straddling Napoleon) was won on the playing fields of Eton. Meaning it was the discipline and traditions passed on in that quintessentially upper-class game of cricket that held the line.
But sadly, Smith is also a symptom of a wider malaise in Aussies. They never understood CLR James’ dictum:
“What do they know of cricket who only cricket know?”

…and retrograde
So while we’re arguing about the relevance of Creolese, French is being promoted? What use will this be to us. With China’s ascendancy, shouldn’t we be brushing up our Mandarin?
Since 1853, it’s part of our culture!!