Taxi driver confesses to killing Guyana Goldfields employee

The 28-year-old taxi driver who was arrested on Thursday in connection with the murder of Neil Whyte has confessed to the heinous crime during interrogation by detectives.

Murdered, Neil Whyte

After his confession, the East La Penitence man led a team of Police ranks to a taxi base at Fifth Street, Alberttown Georgetown, where he handed over several items belonging to the late Neil Whyte, along with a knife suspected to be the murder weapon.
A Police source close to the investigation told this publication that the motive for the murder was robbery. With the confession, Police are also now focusing their attention on the security guard, who might have intentionally let the suspect into the compound to carry out the robbery on Whyte, who had returned from the interior hours prior to his death.
Investigators believe that Whyte might have put up a fight with his attacker, thus the marks on his hands. Meanwhile, the initial suspect, an ex-employee of the mining company, who was arrested at his Berbice home hours after the murder, was released from Police custody on Friday.
Guyana Times was told that the Berbician and the late Neil Whyte had been friends, but on the Monday last, the young man indeed visited Georgetown, where he collected a friend at a popular beauty salon. Based on information received, after conducting business in the city, the young man drove back to Berbice.
This was confirmed by CCTV footage collected from the Berbice Bridge Company, this publication was told. In addition, the man provided his receipt, which also vindicated his claims that he was at home at the time Whyte was murdered.
The Police have stated that Whyte was found dead in his apartment at the Guyana Goldfields Inc headquarters between 22:22h and 23:45h. Based on all the evidence, the first suspect was granted bail, the source said. “The timing did not march up,” a source close to the investigation told Guyana Times.
The initial suspect, who worked with Whyte at the mining company, was also in shock when he heard about the murder.
When Guyana Times contacted a family member of Whyte’s, he explained that the taxi driver is a complete stranger, and it is in that context that the family believes the security guard may have had a hand in the murder.
Meanwhile, the post mortem performed on the late Whyte’s body proved that he died from multiple stab wounds. Initially, it was reported that the man was stabbed at least seven times. Whyte’s body was handed over to his family in order to facilitate funeral preparations. He is expected to be cremated on Monday at the Le Repentir Crematorium.
The nude and bloodied body of Neil Whyte was found on his bed on Monday evening last. At the time of the discovery, his hands and feet were bound, and several stab wounds were seen on his neck and other parts of his body.
Prior to the discovery, the security guard for the apartment had told Police that Whyte escorted a friend into the apartment. He claimed the friend was seen shortly after, leaving the apartment with a haversack, claiming that he was going to collect an item. The guard also claimed that following protocol, he went to check on Whyte, and it was then the gruesome discovery was made. Whyte was expected to leave the country with his parents for Canada on Thursday evening last. (Bhisham Mohamed)