Taxi driver jailed for 12 years for raping girl

Jailed: Evon Barker

Evon Barker, a 31-year-old taxi driver of Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice), has been sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment by Justice Sandil Kissoon in the Demerara High Court after pleading guilty to raping an 11-year-old girl in an incident that occurred in February 2022.
The child had been entrusted to Barker’s care to be transported home. Instead, he diverted from the intended route and committed the sexual assault on the minor.
During a court session last Thursday, Justice Sandil Kissoon delivered a stern reprimand to Barker for his reprehensible act, and deemed Barker’s claim of ignorance regarding the girl’s age as indefensible, particularly given the pre-existing acquaintance between Barker and the victim’s family, which included a past relationship with the girl’s elder sister.
When Barker was allowed to address the court, he begged for forgiveness, stating that he serves God and is not a bad person.
The rape survivor said in her impact statement that she was “happy” and “satisfied” with how the case turned out. She then disclosed that she no longer trusts males and that she had thought about suicide several times.
Prior to the sentencing, Justice Kissoon highlighted the grave breach of public trust inherent in Barker’s actions, noting the heightened expectations of conduct for those in service roles, like taxi drivers.
Although initially facing an 18-year sentence, Barker’s prompt admission of guilt led to a one-third reduction under sentencing guidelines.
The court has also ordered the offender to participate in the Prison Service’s sex offenders’ programmes.
Barker’s daughter is four years old, and his wife is said to be expecting a child right now.
Barker was represented by Attorney-at-Law Ronald Bostwick, while State Counsel Latifah Elliot and Senior State Counsel Nafeeza Baig appeared on behalf of the prosecution. (G9)