Taxi driver jailed for 3 years for causing teen’s death

Taxi driver, Vishram Singh was on Monday sentenced to three years’ imprisonment after he was found guilty of causing the death of a motorcyclist by driving dangerously.
Singh, 39, of Somerset and Berks, Essequibo Coast, had been arraigned on a charge that he drove motor car PMM 7156 in a manner dangerous to the public, thereby causing the death of 18-year-old Vickash Kevin Fredericks of New Road, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaan).
The accident occurred on December 26, 2021. Magistrate Esther Sam found Singh guilty as charged following the conclusion of a trial at the Charity Magistrate’s Court. The now-convicted man had been out on $300,000 bail pending the hearing of his trial.
Fredericks tragically lost his life while making his way home on a motorcycle (CK 5158) after he was struck down by a car that was driven by Singh on New Road Public Road, Essequibo Coast.
Reports are that residents heard the loud impact of the accident and rushed to the scene.
Fredericks was picked up in a bloody and unconscious state and rushed to the Oscar Joseph Hospital. He was then transferred to the Suddie Public Hospital, where he later died.