Taxi driver jailed for robbing hotel singers

Jailed: Quincy Barker

Taxi driver Quincy Barker of Timehri, EBD has been sentenced to 56 months in prison for robbing two female hotel singers at Providence, East Bank Demerara.
The 27-year-old Barker confessed to the crime in his arraignment before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Diamond Magistrate’s Court on July 24.
The incident took place at about 22:00h on July 8, when Maria Rodriquez Caballero and Sheyla Toledo Rodriquez boarded Barker’s taxi after finishing their work at the Ramada Hotel in Providence. As they were heading home, Barker allegedly pulled out a handgun and demanded money and cell phones from the women.
When the women refused to hand over their belongings, they were subjected to a harrowing ordeal, as Barker stopped the car and put one of the women in the car trunk before proceeding to drive further along the access road, during which he took items from the women’s bags before letting the second woman out of the car.
However, the courageous victim in the trunk managed to escape while the car was still in motion, and the incident was reported to the Police.
On July 21, 2023, a rank from the Acquero Police Station arrested Barker at Kwebanna Village, North West District, Region One (Barima-Waini). He was subsequently transported to Police Regional Division Headquarters 4B (East Bank Demerara) for an interview, during which he confessed to the robbery. He said he had used an ice pick, and denied using a firearm.
As a result of his plea, Barker has been sentenced to 56 months in prison. (G9)