Teacher given 2 days to repay money she stole from ex-lover

…admits to court she used stolen cash to pay off debts

A teacher has been remanded to prison until she can repay the almost $500,000 she admitted to stealing from her ex-boyfriend.
Nickacia Sobers, 23, of Soesdyke/Linden Highway appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan on Wednesday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

Remanded: Nickacia Sobers

Particulars of the charge against her stated that on December 20, 2022, at Avenue of the Republic, Georgetown, she stole $467,000 from Richard Brathwaite.
She pleaded guilty to the charge. The Police prosecutor related that Sobers and Brathwaite were in an intimate relationship that ended on December 20, 2022.
Brathwaite operates a shoe stall in the vicinity of Avenue of the Republic, Georgetown, and on the day in question, he secured the money in his car, which had been parked in front of his stall.
After Sobers had visited the man’s stall, the prosecutor told the court, she went into his car, where she spent some time alone before Brathwaite dropped her off at the Timehri bus park. When Brathwaite drove back to his vending spot, he made checks for the money, but discovered that the sum was missing. He immediately reported the matter to the Police, and Sobers was arrested.

Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan

During her address to the court, Sobers admitted to stealing her ex-lover’s money, stating that she had outstanding debts and used the money to pay them off.
According to her, she made several attempts to repay Brathwaite, but he refused to accept part payments from her.
While Brathwaite confirmed that Sobers had promised to repay him, he said that calls to her cell phone went unanswered. Given what the two parties told the court, the Chief Magistrate remanded Sobers to prison, and gave her until Friday to repay Braithwaite. If she fails to repay the sum in full, she will be sentenced. (G1)