Team Mohamed’s joins DCB “Friends of Demerara Cricket Fund”
Azruddin Mohamed of Team Mohamed’s making a presentation to the DCB First Vice President Puneet Jaigopaul in the presence of other Executive Members
Team Mohamed’s of 29 Lombard Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown is the latest sponsor of the Demerara Cricket Board’s initiative, ‘Friends of Demerara Cricket Fund’.
This new initiative was launched recently. Team Mohamed is the fourth business entity to provide support, following Gafoors of Guyana, KW Logistics and Bus Services, and Sunita Travel Agency. The DCB will use the funds raised to cushion the cost of its junior Inter Association cricket tournaments. Funds will also be used to assist in fulfilling its mandate to develop the game.
The Demerara Cricket Board is aggressively embarking on playing cricket competitions at all levels, from under-13 to senior males and females. Training programmes for coaches and cricketers; seminars for managers; book, board and electronic scorers, match referees etc., will be done. Academies for junior cricketers will also be held across the five sub-associations.
At a simple but significant ceremony held recently, Azruddin Mohamed, owner of the business, presented the cheque to DCB’s First Vice President Puneet Jaigopaul, in the presence of other Executive Members of the Board.
Mohamed said he is happy to contribute to cricket, particularly to young players; and Jaigopaul, in response, expressed his gratitude and indicated that the funds would be well accounted for. He added that the funds would be used to cover some of the cost of the DCB Inter-Association Under-17 cricket tournament, as requested by the sponsor. That tournament is expected to commence shortly.
The DCB urges Guyanese to support Team Mohamed, so there can be continued contribution to the development of cricket in Demerara, Guyana, and the West Indies.
Now that Team Mohamed is on board, the sponsorship is $660,000. The DCB, while in negotiations with several sponsors, some of whose approvals have already been secured, recognizes the limited sponsorship dollars available, resulting in this innovation. The Demerara Cricket Board encourages private individuals, private businesses, and Corporate Guyana to support this initiative and place Demerara Cricket back to its former dominance. We assure accountability for the funds, with widespread print and electronic media coverage.
Point to note: sponsorship for sports and charitable organizations can enjoy tax breaks as the law allows.
Anyone willing to support this project can contact Bissoondyal Singh, President, at 623-0055; Davteerth Anandjit, Secretary, at 617-8502; Vicky Bharosay, Treasurer, at 652-0947; Anil Beharry, Marketing Manager, at 623-6875; or any other Executive Member of the Demerara Cricket Board. The board looks forward to your support.