Technical team assessing conditions – Ferguson

Deplorable roads at Parfaite Harmonie

Following multiple complaints from residents in the communities of La Parfaite Harmonie Housing Scheme, West Bank Demerara, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure has undertaken measures to assess the situation.
On a recent visit to the area, many of the roads were seen with a barrage of potholes, some with as much as a foot in depth.
Motorists have complained bitterly, particularly about the deep potholes which causes serious damage to vehicles when it rains, as

The Conditions of some roads in Parfaite Hormonie, WBD
The Conditions of some roads in Parfaite Hormonie, WBD

Roads 1motorists cannot judge the depth of the holes when they are filled with muddy water.
On Sunday, Junior Public Infrastructure Minister Annette Ferguson and her technical team visited the communities to assess the road conditions.
“We are visiting many communities really to conduct an assessment [of] the roads because that is the complaint we at the Ministry would have received, so I am here with my technical support staff to have an assessment done and to see how best the Ministry of Public Infrastructure can give to the NDC (Neighbourhood Democratic Council) and RDC (Regional Democractic Council),” Ferguson told this publication.
She also noted that her team has assessed road conditions in Parfaite Harmonie, Onderneeming, West Minster and Recht door-Zee. When the Junior Minister was asked about time-frame in which residents can expect changes in the road conditions, Ferguson cautioned that housing schemes do not fall entirely under her Ministry and as such, only temporary relief

Parfaite Harmonie residents tired of deplorable roads
Parfaite Harmonie residents tired of deplorable roads

would be given to areas.
“I [want to] make it clear that Parfaite Harmonie is not fully under the Ministry of Public Infrastructure but because it is yet to be handed over to the NDC, we, in the interim [are] bringing some sort of relief to the people…to see how best we can put some temporary

Junior Public Infrastructure Minister Annette Ferguson with an assessment team on Sunday
Junior Public Infrastructure Minister Annette Ferguson with an assessment team on Sunday

arrangements in place,” she noted.
In the lead-up to the 2016 Local Government Elections, it was revealed that many of the newly created housing districts and communities have not been handed over to the relevant NDCs and Town Councils.
This scenario has deprived many of the local democratic organs from the requisite finances through rates and taxes which can be used to foster development of the communities.
Local Government Elections were held in March.