Teen charged for assisting suspect after Land of Canaan night club fatal shooting

Charged: Jobo Keion Singh

As police continue to hunt for the prime suspect in the execution-style killing of Sherwin Hamilton also called “Nastyman”, 18-year-old Jobo Keion Singh of Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara (EBD) was on Friday slapped with an ‘Accessory After the Fact to Murder’ charge.
An accessory after the fact is a person who helps another person after that party commits a felony. In this case, Guyana Times understands that Singh was the driver of the motorcycle that aided the escape of the alleged shooter.
Singh however, appeared before Magistrate Sunil Scarce at the Diamond/Golden Grove Magistrates Court and was not required to plead to the charge when it was read to him. As such, he was remanded to prison until August 16.
It was reported that Hamilton, a 49-year-old resident of Sarah Johanna, EBD was fatally shot during an altercation at a popular bar at Land of Canaan, EBD two Saturdays ago.

Dead: Sherwin Hamilton also called “Nastyman”

Based on reports received, at about 02:30h on the day in question, Hamilton and the suspect, referred to as “Popsicle man brother”, had a heated exchange of words in the bar, resulting in the suspect being thrown out of the facility.
However, at about 03:00h, the DJ turned off the music and informed the patrons that it was time to leave the bar. As such, Hamilton also had to exit the facility. As he exited the bar, the suspect and another man confronted Hamilton.
The suspect reportedly whipped out a handgun and shot Hamilton in the left upper thigh, before he jumped onto an XR motorcycle and sped off the scene. Hamilton reportedly fell to the ground and was attended to by a female nurse, who had also been a patron of the club.
The injured man was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Police found a 9mm spent shell at the scene.