Teen charged for breaking Pike Street man’s foot

A 19-year-old was on Friday before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged for wounding a man resulting in his foot being broken.
Rondel Edghill of Kitty, Georgetown, denied the charge read to him by Magistrate Judy Latchman, which stated that on May 25, 2017, at Pike Street, Kitty, he wounded Michael Khan with intent to cause him grievous bodily harm.
According to the facts of the matter presented by Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield, the Virtual Complainant (VC) and the defendant are known to each other.
On the day of the incident, the VC was walking on Pike Street, when the teen approached him and for unknown reasons dealt him several lashes with a piece of wood, resulting in him breaking his right leg.
As a result of the injury, the VC was rushed to the hospital and treated. He made his appearance in crutches with his leg in a cast.
The Police Prosecutor however had no bail objections and Edghill was granted bail in the sum of $100,000. He is expected to return to court on January 9.