A teenager was killed in the wee hours of Sunday during an accident at Agriculture Road, Mon Repos on the East Coast of Demerara, in the vicinity of Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA).
Dead is 19-year-old Glenroy James of Agriculture Road. Two other persons – 20-year-old Mahendra Surujpersaud and 32-year-old Anand Motielall – both residents of Agriculture Road – were also injured in the accident, which occurred at about 01:45h.
Dead: Glenroy James
Police said Surujpersaud was driving motor lorry GAD 6445, with James and Motielall as occupants in the vehicle at the time.
The driver told investigators that the lorry was proceeding south along Agriculture Road when a lantern pole, about 25 feet in length, was across the western side of the road. The motor lorry’s right front wheel drove onto the lantern pole, causing the vehicle to topple several times. The lorry then collided with a utility pole along the western parapet, causing the driver and occupants to be thrown out of the vehicle and onto the western parapet.
The driver and one of the occupants were then picked up in a conscious state by public-spirited citizens and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Accident and Emergency Unit, where they were seen by a doctor on duty and treated for bruises about their bodies and later discharged.
Meanwhile, James was picked up by Police ranks in an unconscious state and taken to GPHC in a Police vehicle. At the hospital, the young man was seen by a doctor on duty, who pronounced him dead on arrival.
James’s body is presently at Memorial Gardens Mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem examination.
Investigations continue. (G8)