Teen mechanic remanded for cattle theft

Charged: Felix Marks

A 19-year-old mechanic from Aranaputa Valley, North Rupununi, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), was remanded to prison on Monday after being charged with multiple counts of larceny.
Felix Marks, also known as ‘Chubby,’ was arrested on January 18, and taken to the Lethem Police Station in connection with the theft of cattle and a horse.
The young man faces six counts of larceny of cattle and one count of larceny of a horse, all offenses contrary to Section 176 of the Criminal Law (Offenses) Act, Chapter 8:01. The charges stem from incidents in which Marks is accused of stealing the livestock in the North Rupununi area.
Marks appeared at the Lethem Magistrate’s Court on Monday before Magistrate Omadatt Chandan. The matter was adjourned to March 11.