Teen on $150,000 bail for B&E charge

A miner was on Thursday arraigned on a break and enter charge and appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.
Hubert De Souza, 18, of Port Kaituma, Region One, pleaded not guilty to the charge which stated that on June 17, 2018, while in the North West District, he broke and entered the dwelling house of Diane David and stole $505,000 worth in valuables.
Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield made no objections to bail, but informed the court that the defendant was previously arraigned on charges of a similar nature.
Bail was granted on the conditions that he lodge his travel documents and report to the Police Station nearest to his home monthly.
He was released on $150,000 bail. The case will continue on August 7, 2018 at the Matthew Ridge Magistrate’s Court.