Teenager injured after colliding with motorcycle

A teenage girl of ‘A’ Field, Sophia Squatting Area, Greater Georgetown has reportedly been struck by a motorcycle on Sunday last while attempting to cross the road on her pedal cycle
Roslin Abrams, 15, was reportedly riding along Dennis Street, Sophia, Greater Georgetown when she was struck down by motorcycle, CF 289.
The Police have said that while in the vicinity of Beepat’s, the teenager attempted to cross the road and ended up in the path of the motor cycle. As a result, the front portion of the motor cycle collided with the pedal cycle, resulting in both the motorcyclist and pedal cyclist falling onto the roadway and sustaining injuries about their bodies.
They were both picked up in a conscious condition and taken by EMT personnel to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where they were both seen and examined by a doctor on duty.
The pedal cyclist was treated for lacerations to the forehead and was sent away, while the motorcyclist was admitted as a patient in the said facility for observation, but was later discharged.
The matter was reported to the Police, and an investigation has been launched.