Testing… Caricom’s interests

Yesterday, we commemorated Emancipation Day along with the rest of the formerly British Caribbean. Ruled by Britain for three centuries and up, we all ended up thinking we were one, big extended family. There were so much that brought us together – not just our culture but our identity!! But today, your Eyewitness has to ask, “To what end”??
They say “A friend in need is a friend indeed” but today when we needed a friend in dealing with Mad Maduro who’s annexed two-thirds of our national territory, most of our erstwhile brothers and sisters in Caricom didn’t have our back. The 35-member Organization of American States (OAS) had met to discuss a resolution to investigate that Mad Maduro did indeed win the elections as the Elections Council – which he appointed and controls – declared. They’d start by demanding Mad Maduro provide evidence – in the form of the printouts from the voting machines.
What would be more reasonable than that?? It’s not like they were voting to impose sanctions!! But the motion did not garner the needed 18 votes that constituted a majority to pass the motion!! They only could muster 17!! Argentina, Canada, Chile Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador United States Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Surinam, and Uruguay.
Mexico, Saint Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago were ABSENT from the proceedings, as of course, was Venezuela. We’ve already spoken about Ralph Gonzalves and St Vincent – who’d been bought off by their Petrocaribe Debt being cancelled by Mad Maduro!! TT and Rowley just signed an agreement for them to develop a Venezuelan gas field!! Interests, baby!! Interests!! Abstaining were Belize, Bolivia, Barbados, Brazil, Colombia, Dominica, Grenada, Honduras, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Antigua & Barbuda and Bahamas. Now we know not only our friends but those who will stand up for principles.
Mad Maduro, of course, announced that he has asked his Supreme Court to “audit” the results. On the surface this appears reasonable. But when it is known that two years ago, Mad Maduro reconfigured the Court so that it is overwhelmingly packed with his loyalists it make more sense!! This was the same Supreme Court that disqualified his most powerful opponent – Maria Marchado – from running in the elections!! Your Eyewitness pecks notes that even Lula of Brazil who he’d counted on to do the right thing, sat on the fence. Why? Is it he sees the OAS as an American lap dog and doesn’t want to be seen in that light?
But he’s already asked Mad Maduro to produce the tally sheets from the voting machines – and agreed on this with US Pres Biden – with whom he spoke on the phone!!

…total war
With every passing day, there’s more evidence piling up that Israel has no intention of stopping its war in GAZA – whether to save the Israeli hostages or the genocidal onslaught on the Palestinian people. Over 35,000 of the laatter – mostly women and children – have been slaughtered. The bombing of a Hezbollah target in Lebanon – supposedly in retaliation for a bombing that Hezbollah has denied – is almost guaranteed to draw Hezbollah into a wider front – along with its Iranian supporters.
But even more telling was the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh. The 62–62-year-old chairman of Hamas’s Politburo, murdered during an official visit to Iran, was the organization’s chief negotiator in talks intended to produce a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of Israeli hostages Hamas holds and Palestinian prisoners held in Israel’s jails. Through the years, Israel has demonstrated a violent propensity to assassinate Palestinian peacemakers and this cannot be a coincidence!!
We are therefore on the brink of a large escalation of the Mideast War – which will grab the US attention – away from the antics of Mad Maduro!!

…our fragile nationhood
How far will this nonsense about OWNING African Guyanese go – even during the celebration of Emancipation? So, African Guyanese mustn’t only VOTE for one party – or else they’re “slave catches” – but only celebrate with one organization??