Dear Editor,
Each day that passes only serves to confirm that the Alliance For Change (AFC) is ‘dead meat’ and no amount of empty rhetoric will bring it back to life. The message is quite clear: the A Partnership for National Unity no longer needs the AFC since it has very little to offer, if anything at all.
Those supporters, who came from the People’s National Congress (PNC) and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) have returned to their respective homes. Undoubtedly, the 2020 General Elections is a race between the PPP and the PNC. The smaller parties have been decimated and obliterated. However, the young people of this country will be the deciding factor and since they are not in any way influenced by ‘party loyalty’ I am sure they will vote based on how they view what is taking place currently and then make an educated comparison of what had taken place during the tenure of the previous governments.
I am confident that the poor and inept handling of many issues such as the oil PSA, the quicksilver nature of addressing the GuySuCo dilemma, the ever expanding web of corruption as it relates to procurement, the unilateral appointment of the GECOM Chairman and the economic decline affecting the country. Corruption is more blatant than it ever was, and the Government lacks the political will to effect any meaningful change.
It must be noted that from May 2015, the AFC has become increasingly tone deaf to all the issues mentioned above and its Ministers within the coalition Government are only intent on securing their ’good life’. I do feel that Moses Nagamootoo should use this opportunity to leave on medical grounds after securing his pension since his ‘spin’ bowling is no longer necessary. He has become so uncharacteristically silent on so many issues afflicting this nation.
In addition, the Public Security Minister seems to be making more statements on agriculture related issues whenever he visits Berbice rather than finding solutions for the escalating crime problems. Corruption has been growing within the Police Force and his Ministry. It has been alleged that there is a ‘yard sale’ of gun licences in Black Bush Polder.
Then Minister Trotman has made tremendous ‘blunders’ with the EXXON deal which reeks of corruption with this nation losing whatever windfall would have accrued from the discovery of oil. His gimmicks and excuses have become unbearable to the average Guyanese. Guyanese will have to continue to live as third-class citizens because of his ‘blunders’. Moreover, the Public Infrastructure Minister seems to be having a rough time determining who is not corrupt within his Ministry. Cronyism and corruption are devouring his Ministry.
Yours sincerely,
Muhammad Mustapha