The calm before the storm

Dear Editor,
Guyana is currently enjoying, temporarily, “the calm before the storm.” Mr “G” and his cabal of rogues refuse to concede to a defeat, would not accept the Caricom credible election recount result, categorically stated that they will not bend to anyone, insist on recognising, accepting and using Mr Lowenfield’s personified and incriminating report with Mingo’s fraudulent figures, disrespect the courts’ decisions, including the CCJ, continue to disregard the international community’s appeal to allow democracy to survive in Guyana and to abide with the valid recount result, thwart the will of the people, frustrating GECOM to complete the election process, denying the declaration of the duly legitimate elected President, shunning the US sanctions and continue to attack the national and international communities for speaking out against the APNU/AFC’s political defiance, their fraudulent election tactics and their tongue-twisting, lies and deceits.
As the nation faces the COVID-19 pandemic, the caretaker officers, with the help of the police, continue to flounce the law, rules and regulations in the country.
The APNU/AFC party would have issued a threat to the nation, demanding a ransom by directing its remarks via the PPP/C. They have announced that they are ready and willing to entertain peaceful dialogues with the PPP/C but, in the same breath, made it pellucid that they will not accept any election result other than what Mr Lowenfield, GECOM’s CEO, had submitted to the Madam Chair that she should be guided by, containing his mathematical mumbo jumbo that gives the APNU/AFC party a win instead of the certified Caricom election recount result, confirming a PPP/C win.
Of great concern to the world is Mr Lowenfield’s sleazy actions, trying to introduce different sets of figures on at least four different occasions to the GECOM Secretariat and, twice accepting Mingo’s fraudulent figures which all the observers attested to. He is not only inconsistent but he also juggles his figures and cannot provide any substantial clarification as to the source of his figures nor his valid proof of any acceptable and valid methodology.
He also continues to be recalcitrant to the Madam Chair, Ms Claudette Singh and guilty of insubordination, refuses to comply with her specific instructions and remains in defiance of the CCJ rulings. As a result of his continuing to be misguided by APNU/AFC’s legal advisors, he now faces three private criminal charges, including fraud and wilful misconduct. This case is booked to be heard next month.
But the world has seen through the APNU/AFC party’s disguised demand and all the opposition parties are refusing to meet with them unless they, first, concede to the will of the people now. It is transparently clear that the APUN/AFC party does not desire any “dialogue” but instead wants a “monologue” to dictate to the nation their terms to maintain power or face their wrath. There will be no room for negotiation and all will be required to agree to their preset conditions.
It is either their way or the highway. Putting the public at risk with their public outreach is their way of continuing to spread their propaganda and letting the people know in no uncertain terms what their ultimate intentions are. The management of COVID-19 and peoples’ lives take second place to their precedence of squatting in office and maintaining control of the presidency and the Government. Their bullish behaviour spells the indecent behaviour of tyranny and their dishonest and guile attitude infests the air with the smell of dictatorship. All will recall their callous and villainous questions of “concede to what?” and “concede to whom?”
The history of the PNC party ruling Guyana by foul means from driving fear in the hearts of defenceless Guyanese continues to incarnate in the form of the merry band of a handful of APNU/AFC party’s guys and gals, vicious and greedy to extort the very lives of an impoverished nation, regardless of their political belief and or conviction or affiliation.
They will trample on their own kit and kin in order to succeed with their evil agenda and are able and willing to sacrifice anyone, including their own families, relatives, friends and supporters, so that their evil goals may materialise. It simply has to do with covering their grounds for all their illegitimate contracts and agreements, their corruption and collusion from economic mismanagement, their illegal financial transactions and the hunger for more perks and benefits, especially from the oil industry.
They cannot afford to have their secrets discovered from any audited approach, whether now or later. They must remain in power for many years to come so that the basic groundwork has to be established by sticking their feet in the ground firmly and lay a solid foundation now for their own good and future. Their trump card, of course, is the current control of the media, the treasury, the autonomy of the Government sector, influence over the security forces and the fragility of the shaky Judiciary. By arming themselves in all essential areas and disarming the nation in all key areas, obviously, give them a monopoly.
But all is not lost and there is more hope than despair. The united front from all the opposition parties speaks volumes and their resilience to thwart the APNU/AFC party’s rigorous and perpetual oppressive advancement, provides a light at the end of the tunnel. The US sanctions and probable more extreme ones to come, also gives reassurance. The guarantee espoused by the entire international community to support the just cause of the suppressed Guyanese, again assures the reestablishment of democracy.
The APNU/AFC party’s nonchalance has been undermined and this is visible in their hollow cry pleading for help, as a wounded animal when cornered, would distinctly react in a brutal manner. Daily, more and more individuals, organisations and societies in Guyana and abroad, are publicly voicing their disgruntled distrust and disgust of the APNU/AFC party and are vociferous in venting their anger and frustrations over their deliberate interference in preventing GECOM from concluding the election process.
The APNU/AFC party is somewhat surprised by this retaliation from the public, especially when their key supporters are denouncing their behaviour and talking to the media to vent their aggravation and poverty. This reaction solidifies the unity of all Guyanese, regardless of ethnicity and, the majority of the nation is based in the ground roots in a common plight.
The Guyanese public is wide awake as they try to sleep and finally, they are conscious that they have been taken for a ride by the heartless and reckless APNU/AFC party and no longer will they allow themselves to be fooled. At this sad juncture, the people have applied the brakes, installed a red light and blocked the green light from the APNU/AFC party. Amber is no longer applicable. The sour taste of lemon has to be a thing of the past, it will not last and the mass has cast their votes with a blast.

Jai Lall