Home Letters The CCJ has ruled, what are the implications for Guyana as this...
Dear Editor,
In an earlier article, I dealt with the illegal plan by the PNC and its allies in the legal fraternity. Theirs was the plan to gain an illegal victory for their party through the back door. It was a subtle and well-thought-out plan, but like I said, it met its final end in that landmark ruling of the CCJ.
Now that the CCJ has ruled, we must navigate our way forward into the future. It is not an uncertain future once we put certain legal procedures in place. In this regard, we must pay careful attention to two pressing issues before us as well as find ways to fix them.
In the first place, we must make a determined effort at increasing the number of judges in our local appellate court. As the saying goes “In the multitude of counsel there is wisdom.” In my view, and I am pretty sure this is the view of others, the composition of the three judges is too small, thus the glaring flaws in their judgements.
A composition of 5 judges fits that court, as it would bring into being a broader and more consultative approach when dealing with appeals.
It would erode, if not wipe out, decisions based on emotion and political leanings. Having a broader, wider court will see rulings of a genuine and lasting nature. In its present state, the decisions are too narrow and myopic, with decisions that come from a political standpoint rather than those based on the solid foundation of the law.
My second point deals with the aspect of having a reformed voting system, here we scrutinise the machinery of GECOM itself. We cannot go forward into another election with a system that was so flawed by the illegal tampering of rigging stalwarts such as Lowenfield and Mingo. These notorious personalities by their machinations have set up a voting process that is compromised and as such much work has to be done to rid ourselves of it.
Please note, that certain vestiges of the rigging apparatus are still in place, such as deliberately placing polling stations in PNC strongholds, knowing fully well that voters who are perceived to be supporters of the PPP/C party would be intimidated by their thugs there. This causes PPP/C voters to stay away from such polling places all for their safety and well-being.
I am talking about the PNC deliberately concocting stories of missing ballot boxes or ballot boxes being stored at PPP/C residences for the purposes of rigging. In these attempts the PNC and their operatives were sowing the seeds of discord and strife, spreading fear and insecurity amongst voters. These are just a few of the many occurrences done by that party so that they can get an unfair advantage when voting takes place.
As we move into the future, every aspect of a clean, free and fair system must be set up so that the pure reflection of the people’s will can be seen and felt when we go to the polls.
Neil Adams