The City Council has revealed its true self being another bastion of PNC Domination

Dear Editor,
The Georgetown City Council passed an “Institutional rate policy,” seeking to exempt political parties from paying rates and taxes or, reducing those amounts to an insignificant sum. This is an unprecedented move being made by a cash-strapped council. Did I say a cash-strapped council, yes, you’re right a council that barely exists, it cannot carry out basic services such as garbage collection or keeping the city clean, but yet, they can be so gratuitous to – not the ordinary citizens – but singlehandedly being nice to the political parties.
But is this apparent altruistic move a genuine and honest gesture, made by a cash-strapped council? Are they honest in their giveaway of monies owed to the council, or is there some motive crafted to deceive? I think it is all of the above. In the first instant, The GCC is showing us their real self, that is, they are a municipality that is heavily vested in politics, and every aspect of its operation is done with a clear political motive in mind; they cannot hide that innate quality. So, the use of the word “honest,” I would say yes, but an honesty with a strong dose of deception added to it.
Like the GTU, The Georgetown City Council’s actions reek of political patronage to their party The PNC, no wonder the council is mired in a vicious cycle of poverty because their allegiance is to a party and not to the poor citizens of the city. When the primary concern of a city’s council is to satisfy the needs of its political directorate, it tells you that Georgetown will never rise above the sorry state that it is in, the city is doomed; Georgetown is cursed into the abyss of backwardness.
So, who owes the GM&CC, is it the PNC, The PNC/R, APNU, or Maikswak, who is it? What we are looking at, is the chameleonic nature of the PNC, theirs is another game of musical chairs or the passing of the buck, each one absolving itself of the blame. The point I am making is, whether it is PNC, PNC/R, APNU or Maikwak, they are all the same entity owned and controlled by the parent PNC. Coming under various pseudonyms makes no difference, they all originate from Congress Place, a band of people who bear a duplicitous trademark.
The former PNC Mayor quoted the law, “The 25% tax cut was carefully crafted to serve the community-centric organization with a clear focus on public benefit, rather than political advantage,” this is the law, spelt out in clear language, therefore this should be the aim of The City’s generosity, that is, to recoup that which is owed to its treasury and not to satisfy the ambitions of political entities.
The named political entity owes a huge debt of $ 6.7 billion, this is quite a monstrosity when you consider the financial hardships the city council is burdened with, so the question comes again, to whom does The GCC pledge its allegiance? Certainly not to the citizens of the municipality, their allegiance is vested in saving a flagging political party and not the people, it also shows the lack of respect and disregard the council and its party have for the citizens of Georgetown, and by extension the people of this country.

Neil Adams