….on Cummingsburg
So here it was that on Labour Day, before he headed off to what he knew would be a desultory trek through Georgetown — no labour of love! — your Eyewitness glanced at the headlines. The AFC had set up a committee to “review” the Cummingsburg Accord — the “Cummingsburg Accord Review Committee” (CARC) — but yet insisted it “reaffirms APNU+AFC Coalition is strong and cohesive”.
If the coalition’s so cohesive, why the heck “review” it? You don’t fix something if it ain’t broken; do you?? Well, the AFC NEC (don’t you just love the way these fellas love their acronyms?? “NEC” is National Executive Committee!) explained that they’re looking “to strengthening, updating and broadening the agreement as we look towards upcoming elections in two and three years’ time.” 
Yeah, right!! If that ain’t a crock of doody, your Eyewitness doesn’t know what is!!
Now the essence of the Cummingsburg Accord was that AFC’s Nagamootoo would become the PM in what would be a “shared Executive structure” with David Granger, who’d be president in case they won the elections. The “sharing” was key, since they acknowledged the country was ethnically divided, and if there were to be any development and justice in Guyana, there would have to be real inclusion of all ethnic groups in Government. The AFC was going to bring in 11% Indians into the coalition with the overwhelmingly African-based APNU.
The Accord therefore specifically spelled out — so there would be no ambiguity in this key “power sharing” agreement — the power of the Prime Minister. This was the “proof of the pudding” of the PNC-led APNU’s good faith: “The Prime Minister SHALL have responsibility for: Domestic Affairs and Chairing the Cabinet; Recommending Ministerial Appointments and providing the organisational structures of Ministries for the approval of the President; Appointing heads of Agencies and non-constitutional commissions; domestic security.”
Now, the question is: WHICH ONE OF THESE POWERS WAS ACTUALLY CONFERED ON PM NAGAMOOTOO?? Does Nagamootoo have “responsibility for Domestic Affairs?? Not in this life!! Strike one!! Does Nagamootoo chair Cabinet?? Well, your Eyewitness understands he has a “chair” to sit – but it’s not THE CHAIR!! Strike 2!!
Did he recommend “Ministerial Appointments”?? It’s been revealed that the appointment of three of the Ministers everyone thought were recommended by him on behalf of the AFC — Dominic Gaskin, Raphael Trotman and Noel Holder — was actually done unilaterally by the President!! Strike 3!! Has PM Nagamootoo recommend the heads of Agencies, like Clive Thomas for SARA? Your Eyewitness thought not!! Strike 4!!
But hold it! Nagamootoo was already out with strike 3!!
So what’s CARC gonna do? Just give us CACC: Cummingsburg Accord Conmen Committee!
…on the Judiciary
Your Eyewitness knows he’s being going on and on about the need for the Judiciary’s independence to be maintained. The present onslaught launched by this Government as soon as it acceded to office isn’t a coincidence. The Executive knows that, with all the talk about “separation of powers” protecting the rule of law to save us from sliding back into a Burnham-like dictatorship, they control the Legislature absolutely. So, it’s all left to the Judiciary.
How can the Judiciary be controlled? Right off the bat, there’s the appointment by the Executive – and this has been a done deal. So, what if “acting” has now become endemic? After all, even after 50 years at the bar, a lawyer’s still said to be “practising”!! Then there’s pressure. Right now, the pressure is coming from Basil Williams, who’s determined to cow the Judiciary with his rude and crude threats. The Judiciary must be allowed to work without pressure – and certainly not from the Executive.
The two (ag) heads of the Judiciary will signal what’s ahead for Guyana when they pronounce on the matter of Justice Holder.