…of PNC lying
Your Eyewitness supposes, dear reader, you know the story of Pinocchio, the puppet who came to life, and whenever he lied, his nose grew longer. At least you must’ve seen the Disney movie! You would remember, then, that finally, Pinocchio asks the fairy how could she figure out when he’s lying. Na she replies:
“Lies, my dear boy, are found out immediately, because they are of two sorts. There are lies that have short legs, and lies that have long noses. Your lie, as it happens, is one of those that have a long nose.”
Now this is a very crucial distinction – one that the PNC should remember. Lies that have “short legs” will fool folks for a little while, and take them a little distance – but the truth will soon catch up with them. And then they’ll have to face the consequences.
Lies that have “long noses”, on the other hand, are those that are so obvious to everyone, it just makes the liar look ridiculous!! “Who do you think you’re fooling, you ludicrous person?” thinks everyone. And this is exactly how those supporters of the PNC sound when they claim the PNC never REALLY rigged elections between 1968 and 1985!
Now Prezzie was in charge of Camp Ayanganna in 1973 when the ballots were all taken there after (as he described it) the “splendid” action of the GDF to seize the ballots. And incidentally kill two PPP observers. Even if he wasn’t in charge of the substitution of pre-marked ballots for the cast ballots, surely he would’ve heard SOMETHING?? He is also a trained historian who’s had access to all kinds of information on the rigging for years and years – including the declassified files from the US and Britain – and he still tell this “long nose” lie??
But it’s not only those sources that expose the rigging ‘long nose’ lie – simple common sense does this. In 1985, for instance, the PNC claimed 228,718 votes (78.5 per cent) for themselves and 45,926 (15.8 per cent) for the PPP. Yet in 1992, in the election that the PNC never even HINTED was not “free and fair”, the PNC received 128,286 votes (42.3 per cent) and the PPP 162,025 or 53.5 per cent!! Where did those 100,000 PNC go if it wasn’t rigged?
But with Prezzie and the die-hard Burnhamites telling the “long nose” lie – they’re forcing the wide swathe of decent citizens who decided to “give the PNC a chance” to also repeat the lie. And look ridiculous!! And sooner or later, the cognitive dissonance — not to mention the “long nose” will force them to balk.
Why doesn’t Prezzie just man up and apologise for the rigging??
…of twisting Rasta word
Your Eyewitness is quite confused by the tone and substance of a letter sent out by a group purporting to be Rastafarians in Guyana. They claimed “the sacred air and consciousness of Guyanese of African descent was invaded and toxified by Cheddi Jagan” and other (named) PPP leaders. To illustrate their claim, they noted, “The music of India penetrated our consciousness from early morning at the exclusion of the music from Africa.”
Your Eyewitness did a quick survey and discovered that apart from the Government radio station, only two of the other private stations broadcast SOME Indian music. Maybe the Rasta citizens – who describe themselves as “multiracial” – could clarify something. If the three stations that pollute the “sacred space of Guyanese of African Decent” with Indian music, start broadcasting African music, will the pollution cease…or should the Indian music cease forthwith?
And since the Indian cricket they objected to is sponsored, would they sponsor football from Africa?
…of bias
The head of the Caribbean Court of Justice should change his name to Sir Rip Van Byron. After noting it’s been 12 years since Guyana had had PERMANENT rather than ACTING Chancellors and Chief Justices, he called for this to end immediately!!
What caused this sudden epiphany??