The crime situation in Guyana

Dear Editor,
Crime is at an all-time high in Guyana. The incidents and serious nature of the crimes being committed are too numerous to mention.
That is why the public is so insecure. Persons are scared, worried sick about the whole situation, because they do not know when or where the criminals would strike next.
The Government, through the agencies of a minister, acting police commissioner and others, have painted a totally different picture. In choice words, they have issued statements like, “The crime rate is down… There were less murders in 2017.” Well, if the crime rate is down, then someone is telling a fat lie, and that would not be the figures and the real-world situation, which tell a horrible story.
Talk to anyone in Guyana, local people as well as foreigners, and they would tell you how burdensome and terrorised their lives have become. So someone is not telling the truth, absolutely!
Of course, this state of affairs has caused one First World country — the USA — to issue a travel advisory on this country. Out of pure concern for life and limb of its citizens here, the USA has issued a very definitive travel advisory.
Pay careful attention to the words of that advisory, “exercise increased caution.” It goes on to say, “Violent crimes such as armed robbery and murder are “common” in Guyana.” “Be extra vigilant at banks and ATMs, avoid walking or driving in the evening hours, and be aware of your surroundings.”
I am also reading in the news that President Granger has hastily convened a meeting with the stakeholders with a view to addressing the crime situation in Guyana. And here’s my point: but for the American advisory, the crime situation would not have been addressed.
Now, this Government can do a lot more in crime-solving than it is at the present moment doing. Firstly, there are numerous studies and reports in relation to arresting the spiralling crime rate, so there is a wealth of information at Government’s disposal. One of these areas that would bring direct result is the “stop and search approach.” Government is fully aware of the modus operandi of the modern day criminal, which is as follows. To the armed robbery-style involving motorcycles and motor cars: step up the stop-and-search of motor vehicles and motorcycles. The Police have to take the crime fight to the criminals with seriousness and with a mission. They cannot allow the criminals to get the upper hand. The point I am making is that criminals would do what criminals do, and the Government must find ways to bring this to an end.
Another crime fighting strategy is for the Police to make their presence felt around banks and ATMs. There should be Police patrols and more patrols. You have to go out there and make things happen. The criminal must understand that “eyes” are all around, and that there is no hiding place.
Finally, the area as it pertains to the illegal possession of firearms must be addressed in a serious and urgent way.
Criminals must bear the full brunt of the law whenever illegal firearms are found on, or in, their possession. In this regard, I am calling on the justice system to step up to the plate in amending those archaic laws relative to illegal firearms. Too many lives have been lost as a result of armed criminal assaults. Too many lives have been ruined as a result of the haunting trauma of a firearm, either being pointed at or one that was used on an innocent civilian. It is time for this nonsense to stop.

Neil Adams