Home Letters The declaration and swearing-in must go on
Dear Editor,
There is no sugar-coating now because it is crystal clear what the cabal at GECOM is prepared to do, they are hell-bent on creating an obstruction to the smooth transition to a new Government. Lowenfield and by extension others at GECOM are party hacks who are on a bold move to rig the election in favour of the loser incumbent APNU/AFC.
What Mingo did not succeed in achieving in that fraudulent declaration, Lowenfield is now trying his utmost to accomplish. The distressing thing about it is that he is doing so while he is an employee of GECOM, on our time and being paid by the taxpayer; if this is not a criminal act then what is? We are talking about a paid servant of the people in an autonomous body carrying out the biased, partisan wishes of his party, again, if this does not test the limits of one’s revulsion then what is?
Granger is a bad loser who does not want to leave office – that’s a foregone conclusion – and he is using his minions at the commission headquarters to do his dirty work, Lowenfield is one such individual.
However, we are not going to countenance a CEO practicing his jaundiced party views on our electoral process; we are not going to stand idly by and allow our democracy to be taken away from us. In this regard, the Chairwoman ought to have fired Lowenfield forthwith and order his arrest, for his withholding of the Commission’s documents as well as his failure to carry out a legitimate order.
These are all criminal acts which should be met with the most stringent of measures. GECOM’s code of conduct is spelt out in clear language and must be adhered to.
Yes, the incumbent can make for redress the many grouses and allegations that they are so clamorous about, but that is for an election petition. There is no impediment, real or imaginary that should in any way stop the proceeding as it relates to a declaration and swearing-in of the next President, none whatsoever! So, the planned court injunction has no bearing on GECOM fulfilling its mandate, it is just another one of their desperate attempts to disrupt the smooth transition into a new Government.
Now, hot on the news is the call for Granger to issue a state of emergency proclamation, in this way he hopes to throw the State into a state of confusion, thus giving himself more time to hold office illegally. But he is mistaken, that planned coup d’état would only seek to hasten sanctions on an already pariah State. I must also tell Granger that the courts will not allow it nor would the international community countenance it.
A little lesson for Granger, please take note, what took place in Liberia with your good friend Charles Taylor, don’t make a fool of yourself and think that you can get away with it here in Guyana, please disabuse your mind of this fact, it just “can’t happen hey in this country.”
So, my advice to the GECOM Chairwoman is to stop the tomfoolery and get on with the declaration and swearing-in of our new President.
Neil Adams