Dear Editor,
This nation is now witnessing the implosion of the PNC and the AFC – the infamous Coalition. These parties were not built on the foundation of democracy and nation-building, but were primarily created to achieve power, hold on to it, and use it for self-aggrandizement. The people do not count; they are merely pawns in the scheme of things.
But the people have now come to realize this fact; most remarkably, those within these parties. You simply cannot fool all the people all the time.
The Alliance on the Move (AFC) was built on lofty ideals; had decried the ‘corruption’ of the PPP, and had made claims that they were the ‘right turn’ for this country. But, having tasted power, they not only became subservient to the PNC, but became consumed in their corrupt practices and rigging culture.
Both Ramjattan and Nagamootoo had fought and condemned the PNC for rigging all the Elections from 1968. Fortunately, the aftermath of the 2020 General Elections not only exposed the AFC’s penchant for corruption and its newly discovered appetite to shamelessly rig to remain in power, but also the fact that its leaders have lost their moral compass and are not interested in the socioeconomic progress of this country.
The Alliance on the Move has stopped moving a long time ago, and Ramjattan’s ‘dead meat’ prognostication came to pass to the extent that he has now ostensibly fled from the decomposed carcass. What is most notable is that the remaining founders of the AFC are now uninterested in the leadership of the Party, and the man who resigned a couple of times (2013 and 2016) has now displayed a keen interest in assuming the leadership, supposedly to save the AFC from falling into the ‘wrong hands’.
Unfortunately, the AFC made the ‘wrong turn’ since its formation, and because it was in the ‘wrong hands’, many top members abandoned the party. Trotman laid bare his true intentions for the rationale behind the formation of the AFC a while back, and the last man standing, Ramjattan, has now deserted his post. Where is the adventurer who ‘serenaded’ and waltzed away? Why are these strange things happening?
However, it is not only the AFC that is facing demise. They say karma is a bitch. Apart from being faced with destruction from within and allegations of rape against the current leader, the PNC’s members, remarkably a person no less than the General Secretary Dawn Hastings-Williams, has resigned from her post, citing ‘poor financial accountability, poor preparation for fair and transparent internal elections’. This speaks volumes of the true nature of the PNC and its strong inclination for corruption and rigging.
Can you imagine that the PNC run their own Party in the same manner they ran this country? They rigged every Election from 1968 onwards to 1985, and then attempted to blatantly rig the 2020 Election as well. They bankrupted this country, and allowed it to descend to being the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, except Haiti. They stole, mismanaged, and squandered everything of value, and reduced us to a nation of mendicants, wherein to put food on the table was a vile criminal act. Why would some PNC members still have faith in the PNC when it fails on both counts: self-governance and governance of this country?
The PNC and the AFC are peas from the same pod, and should be rejected by the people of this country, who have now witnessed their innate diabolical qualities which can do no good for this country and its people.
Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf