“The encampment was a success” – Team Manager Williams
The 51st edition of the CARIFTA Track and Field Championships is set to take place in Grenada commencing on Saturday, March 30 and culminating on April 1, and the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) has committed to ensuring the athletes are ready for the challenge.
The first training camp was scheduled for the National Track and Field Centre (NTFC), West Coast Demerara (WCD), on March 8-10, thus the athletes engaged in training centred around social, table, and personal etiquette, media training, and mental illness.
Tianna Springer will feature at the 51st edition of the CARIFTA Track and Field ChampionshipsCARIFTA Team Manager Thelson Williams
The Team’s Manager, who will be accompanying them to Grenada, Thelson Williams, in a social media post shared that the encampment was a success.
“The encampment was a success, because we would have engaged the athletes in different areas. We had media training where they were taught communication skills and how to do public speaking and talking to the media, trained in etiquette about social and personal table etiquette, and we had a session on mental illness,” Williams said.
Williams went on to divulge his expectations for the CARIFTA Team, to earn gold medals to make Guyana proud.
“We are expecting to go out there as a team and give it our all, as most of the athletes aim to accomplish their personal best and that would be good enough to earn medals and return back to Guyana to make our country proud,” Williams said.
The team is as follows: Tianna Springer, Athaleyah Hinckson, Charissa December, Esther McKinnon, Attoya Harvey, Akilla Blucher, Nerissa McPherson, Keneta Fraser, Nalicia Glen, Marissa Thomas, Jaheel Cornette, Javon Roberts, Malachi Austin, Rodell Green, Jamal Sullivan, Robert Marcus, Danielson Gill, Deul Europe, Skylar Charles, Kaidon Persaud, Ezekiel Millington, Ryan Joseph, and Nathaniel Samaroo. The team would be accompanied by Coaches Wayne Pantlitz and Trishel Thompson, Physiotherapist Akeem Stewart, and Manager Thelson Williams.