The end is nigh…

…upon Granger
David Granger professes to be a man of the Good Book. It wasn’t always like that. After Fat Boy took him as a mediocre Upper Sixer from QC -he was better at marching up and down in the sun as a Cadet than burning the midnight oil – and sent him off to Mons for his six-month course, he returned, insisting that he had nothing but contempt for the High Anglicans among whom his Policeman father broke bread. Fat Boy, of course, was courting the Evangelicals, bereft of those centuries of tradition-resisting tyranny!!
Anyhow, back to the “Sanctimonious Gangster” and his Eucharistic pretensions!! After Pompeo – who’s West Point graduate class of ‘86 he should remember – dropped the lash on him and his fellow riggers, he should’ve known that “the end was nigh upon him”. Which means, in case he forgot his Bible, just what Chuck Jackson belted out when he (Granger) was in the Fifth Form – “Any Day now…I can hear you say…Goodbye, you old Rigger!!”
But you know what, dear reader?? David Granger won’t listen…he’s way past the time of advice and warnings. Pompeo should be told about that old Guyanese advice that’s very apropos right now: “Who na hear, guh feel!” Meaning, with fellas like Granger, actions will have to go way beyond cancelling visas and such like. He’d be more persuaded, for instance, if he’s made to understand in no uncertain terms by Pompeo that orange jump suits are being fitted for him and his rigging crew.
And on what grounds would Granger be threatened with arrest? Well, for the same reason Evo Morales had to flee the jurisdiction in his native Bolivia last year. He fiddled with the electoral system to make his party that was behind – suddenly leap from over his opponents into an incontestable lead. Isn’t this the identical stunt Mingo did for Granger at Ashmins, and then with that dirty bed sheet over in the GECOM yard?? Nasty!!
Granger was trailing the PPP after nine of the ten regions had been counted, and was going down for the count in Reg 4, the last one to go, when voila!! – Mingo put in his thumb and pulled out a plum for Granger!! Matters not that Granger wasn’t anywhere around when Mingo did the dirty. Was Morales over at elections headquarters when his numbers spiked miraculously?? Point is, Granger was the beneficiary of the electoral fraud, and is now proven to have been behind every subsequent attempt to frustrate the will of the people as expressed through their ballots.
Make sure there are silver bracelets to go with the jump suit! Granger will look so cute!!
It’s his birthday, after all!!

…for abettors also
The persons in the Courts and GECOM and other institutions involved in the election’s shenanigans should pay keen attention to the words of Pompeo when he announced the visa sanctions; which, let your Eyewitness assure all and sundry, is only the beginning of the turning screws!! They’re coming after EVERYONE “who have been responsible for, or complicit in, undermining democracy in Guyana.” Everyone!!
That would include the perpetrators in the line as well as the beneficiaries in Granger’s government. Not to mention all the financiers of the riggers, who’ve been busy signing contracts to siphon off the wealth of Guyana on top of tables while passing satchels of cash under to the riggers. And the “complicit” aren’t just Mingo or Lowenfield – think all the way up the food chain. Especially this Government’s commissioners who’ve been running interference for Lowenfield.
Then, of course, there’s the shyster-lawyers who’ve subverted the judicial system. But most of all, those judicial officers, who misapprehend the metaphor “Justice is Blind”.
Not to justice!!

…for exhaling
Sadly, your Eyewitness thinks the PNC will hold out at least to Aug 1st. They’ll be working up their supporters into a frenzy over “the new Masses.”
Including the Reparations Chair, Sir Hillary Beckles!!