Today, Guyana goes to the polls. They will be making a choice as to whether it’ll be the PPP or PNC that’ll be in charge of the government for the next five years. The flock of small parties? It really doesn’t matter even if they’re the best thing since sliced bread – they ain’t gonna make no difference. And it has nothing about the old fears on “splitting the vote”, which used to be the bogeyman raised to drive a stake through their hearts.
They’ve brought on their irrelevancy upon themselves by asking folks to believe they won’t hitch up with EITHER the PPP or PNC if they were to get a seat. They’ll apply jiu jitsu to force the two behemoths to follow their lead on policies: not to get into government, but just to do the right thing!! Now where in the world has that ever happened?? It’s a quid pro quo world, baby!! The AFC’s behaviour wasn’t an outlier!! Votes for these parties amounts to spitting in the wind!!
Now we come to the two big boys, both of whom have pulled out all the stops to get their message out. So, which one comes off as more credible to fulfil the promises they’ve been making?? The PPP makes a powerful point when they insist that much of what the PNC/APNU/AFC boasts about accomplishing were actually in the pipeline from their administration!!
And even these, as Jagdeo highlighted at the PPP’s last rally, they managed to screw up – like the US$150 million CJIA modernisation that’s still incomplete. Not to mention that Patterson seems to believe that “modernisation” means just slapping on a coat of paint!! But the main reason why the PNC/APNU/AFC isn’t going to cut it, Dear Reader, is their continued defence of the oil contract Trotman signed on their behalf.
What can they say, when the most pro-business newspaper in the world – the Wall Street Journal –criticises a GOVERNMENT official – Trotman in this case – for not getting a better deal from a CORPORATION??!! The WSJ pointed out that even after Trotman was advised – by folks we’d paid big bucks – to walk with a big team of experts (since he was clearly out of his depth!!) and to demand a 10% royalty, he went into the negotiations in Texas naked!. And not, surprisingly, was sandbagged!!
Your Eyewitness thinks it’s time we call a spade a spade: there has to’ve been more in the mortar than the pestle. And that has to’ve been a whole lotta grease.
Which will have to be ferreted out after the elections!!
…and forest giveaway
When David Granger and the PNC agreed to give Lloyd Singh – owner of the Pharma company IPA and that wind-farm that hasn’t started spinning yet at Better Hope –- 164,000 acres of prime forestry land in Region 10, your Eyewitness could just hear the loggers of Kwakwani , Ituni and Linden screaming again and again “No, David, no!!” How could the man who assured them that Charrandas was a “Judas”, betray them so on blanking them on the Bai Shan Lin lands??
Well, they do say that it’s money that makes the (political) world go around. And don’t forget that when Ramjattan let out that Lloyd Singh had bankrolled their HQ, Trotman piped up that it was a “political investment that demanded returns”!! So, it looks like the PNC/APNU/AFC combine is telling Lloydie, “Many happy returns!!”
But what made the giveaway even more insulting to the Region 10 loggers was the Forestry Commission Head insisting that the concession wasn’t “in the name of Lloyd Singh”!!
She thinks Reg 10 folks are “bush people” and don’t know about “beneficial ownership”??
…of Ramjattan
Imagine Ramjattan – who thinks he’s Granger’s PM candidate – didn’t even get a mention in the Chronic, after their final rally!! Snakes aren’t supposed to sink any lower – they crawl on the ground, don’t they??
Compare that to headlines of PPP’s PM candidate Phillips announcing he won’t be a “rubber stamp”!!