The Harvard President’s forced resignation: whose side are some on?

Dear Editor,
The fallout from comments at a congressional hearing on antisemitism on US campuses, which did not find favour with some and led to an unrelenting campaign, in particular against the former president of the Ivy League Harvard University, and her subsequent resignation, seals that racism is truly alive and kicking in that country, which prides itself as the model of the free world.
While the plagiarism accusations, which Dr Gay acknowledge, cannot be overlooked or condoned, the campaign to oust the former president by a particular donor, whose wife is also accused of plagiarism, speaks volumes and gives strength to ‘money talks, bull S… walks’.
Against this backdrop, it would be interesting to know whose side, those who daily cry racism and discrimination in other parts, like the contingent from the south, which descended here some weeks ago on an investigative mission, are on?
Were they part of Rev Al Sharpton’s protest action in Pershing Square, for the president, forced to resign? Have they and others organised any marches, rallies and protest action, as was similarly done on what they perceived as racism and discrimination here, for an intellectual and professional black woman? Just wondering!

Shamshun Mohamed