In his great novel “Heart of Darkness”, Joseph Conrad describes the reaction of the protagonist Kurtz when he comes out of the deep Congo jungle and remembers what he’s done: “He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision — he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath: “‘The horror! The horror!’” Kurtz was overcome with an existential crisis as the import of what he’d done to the Congolese people finally hit home. Well, today’s March 4, two years after the PNC-as-Kurtz – with its troglodytes embedded in various offices in GECOM – attempted to push Guyana back into the horror of elections-rigging that sustained the Burnhamite dictatorship for 28 years.
The March 2nd elections had gone extremely well. This was AGREED by all and sundry -including by President Granger of the PNC-as-APNU and the dozens of observer groups. By nightfall of the 3rd, the votes from NINE OF THE TEN Regions had been counted and agreed on. The PPP was leading by over 50,000 votes. But very quickly, it became clear, as the SOPs for Reg 4 votes were being tabulated, that the PNC had lost!! And David Granger and his PNC henchmen decided they had to shift into the historical rigging mode that had kept the first PNC iteration in power all those years!! And the horror was unleashed!
Tabulation was stopped on the specious claim that key folks in the GECOM Reg 4 tabulation centre were “tired”. No one thought anything of it – especially after CEO Lowenfield showed up and insisted that tabulation would begin in the morning, and would be completed EXPEDITIOUSLY! (In)famous last words!! The horror unfolded on the morning of the fourth, when RO Mingo complained of severe chest pains, signalling a heart attack!!
He reminded your Eyewitness of Red Foxx’s classic running gag on his comedy show “Sanford and Son”. As soon as his character, Fred, finds himself in a fix, he clutches his heart, rolls his eyes heavenwards, and yells to his long-departed wife, “This is the big one! I’m dying! You hear that, Elizabeth! I’m coming to join you, honey!” But Mingo’s stunt was anything but funny. It was downright evil. Especially when his assistant also suddenly developed “chest pains”. Mingo was to return to his RO’s office, but broke all the regulations to produce SPREADSHEETS rather than tally sheets of the SOPs to observers!!
And we quickly segued into “the case of missing laptops, appearing flash drives and a cocked-up tally” that showed the PNC/APNU snatching “victory” from their defeat through Mingo’s artifice.
No…we can’t ever forget March 4. The horror! The horror!!
…of Ukraine
Ukraine’s now Syria – brought into our living rooms and smart phones. It doesn’t matter who’s right or who’s wrong. War is hell, and to the extent that we get a chance to see it first hand – and that’s what smart phones deliver – hopefully, we might be provoked to take a stand against it in our own little Guyana! The Ruskies assured everyone they wouldn’t be bombing civilians but only the military, which they insist is occupying the Ukraine!!
But we see the millions of refugees – just like in Syria – fleeing the bombing. We saw homes and apartment buildings blown up. And we see the growing number of dead civilians! The International Criminal Court is deliberating whether Russia’s committing genocide – which would be a “crime against humanity”! But the Russians aren’t stopping. They’re counting on the West’s aversion to sending their soldiers into war zones.
They’ve deployed sanctions against the Ruskies – but those have NEVER stopped a war!!
Can’t make an omelette without breaking shells!
…of PNC’s hypocrisy
The Opposition now wants the US to execute their USAID recommendations. So, it’s not the US interference that’s objectionable, but on whose behalf it’s done!!
Once it helps the PNC – as they believe the USAID recommendations do – that’s kosher!