Dear Editor,
People’s influence and traits can linger long after they have passed to the Great Beyond. Their teachings, whether inspirational or serpentine, oftentimes wind their way into the very psyche of the human existence.
Religion is the most profound example. Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis compromise other segments.
In Guyana today, the Founder Rigger is very much alive, and his successors are making some really lopsided copying of his perfected rigging apparatus. The engines that drive the Guyana election process seem to have the wrong type of fuel, incorrect speed, and an incompetent driver; not to mention the passengers who are either kicked out or are barely holding on.
The ongoing gross atrocities are both shameless and are an international sore that has resurfaced.
Why is it that the Police prevented PPP Commissioners from entering GECOM facilities and from checking up on the containers holding ballot boxes, while other parties were allowed free passage? The Chair does nothing!
When ballot box containers are moved around for counting/storage, why are the commissioners and others contesting not informed? Here again, the Chair does nothing.
The Chair has enormous power, and can still put the counting process back on track. The Chair is the boss of Lowenfield, Mingo, and HAS FULL AUTHORITY OVER GECOM commissioners. Once the CJ ruled against Mingo’s illegal actions, the Chair should have removed Mingo immediately, and censured the Chief Officer for not supervising him properly. Yet, from the Chair, the only response is one of paralysis.
Top functionaries have gone into hiding, claiming to be tired, away from their offices, pretending to be sick, and waiting on abused and misused court processes.
There is only one conclusion: The Chair of GECOM seems to be awaiting instructions from high places on what course to take, and the Coalition is doing anything and everything to stay in power. Burnham’s legacy lives on!
Leyland Chitlall
New York