The lies of PNC and its associates

Dear Editor,
Amanza Walton-Desir was in Parliament berating the Government on its horrible performance in office, which in her opinion is sure to cause them a loss in the next general election. Her hysterical rant was at a fever-pitch high as she tried to sell what she was saying to the Guyanese public.
Whether she would be successful with what she was shouting about is anybody’s guess, but what is sure is that this woman is full of energy, which if utilised in the right direction would do her and her party a whole ton of good. And with good reason, Mrs Desir is singing so hard for her supper because as an up-and-coming star girl for the top post in her party, she is making a lot of noise for that prized position.
While I applaud her enthusiasm, I must caution her on that meteoric rise against a known character such as Norton. But I digressed, so let me return to my topic, should anyone take Amanza seriously, and the answer is a resounding no! I say this from the standpoint of the grave inaccuracies in her statement. For starters, this loudmouth must be cognisant of the fact that it was the very same rhetoric her party used leading up to the 2015 election that earned them that highly controversial win.
I say a controversial win because when they came into office, they raised their salaries almost immediately to the tune of 100%. Seeing things were so bad in this country, logical thinking would have necessitated that the living standards of the common man would have taken top priority, but it did not, which tells anyone with even half a brain, that this woman is either losing it, or just a plain dirty liar.
To add salt to the wound, Amanza must not forget that it was her party that closed three sugar estates and set over 7000 sugar workers adrift. They were left without any sustenance for themselves or their families. The vindictive and spiteful moves did not stop there as they continued the rampage into our Indigenous communities, firing over 2000 of them from a minimum earning. This was a traumatic time for all people everywhere.
Her party took away the “Because We Care” cash grant from thousands of homes of school-aged children, another evil thing to do. They took away the joint Disciplined Services’ end-of-year bonus cash grant as well, these are the ghastly things Mistress Walton-Desir needs to face up to.
She must not run away from the fact that her party foisted over 200 new taxes on the Guyanese public, which reduced their purchasing ability, while at the same time driving them deeper and deeper into poverty and rank destitution.
It was her party that spirited out of this country US$18M ExxonMobil signing bonus monies. This is our first oil earnings.
Finally, I must conclude here by bringing to her remembrance that her Government took up valuable time and space five years and five months and did practically nothing for this country. Amanza must make a serious search inwardly before she ever speaks again.

Neil Adams