The “long count fight” would be known to boxing aficionados as being the famous Dempsey vs Tunney rematch of 1927. In the seventh round, Tunney had been knocked down, but the count was delayed because Dempsey refused to go to the neutral corner. Tunney recovered in the extra time and went on to defeat Dempsey, seen by some as the greatest boxer of his time.
Well, here in ole mudland, we can now talk to our grandchildren about the “long recount” of 2020, but here the PPP, the winningest party in free and fair elections in this country, withstood the refusal of the PNC to accept their knockdown on March 2. Even though the PNC insisted on a recount, the PPP played by the rules and stayed the course for 90 odd days – to emerge as the winner of the 2020 elections.
But we do know, Dear Reader, this ain’t over, right?? We’re now headed for the “long resolution”, which could probably break the “long countdown” in duration. And no, your Eyewitness will not go over the twists and turns that will ensue in the next few days inside GECOM’s Secretariat and Commission. He’ll just ruminate a bit on the character of the main players as has been exposed over the last few months in their actions surrounding the long countdown.
First on stage is CEO Lowenfield. Wasn’t this the fella who promised that all would be set right after Mingo staged his “heart attack” and things fell apart? Wasn’t it his responsibility to get it right? But he never did and went on to accept the clearly fudged numbers of Mingo, not once but twice. This ex-soldier may’ve been an officer but clearly, he was and is not a gentleman. He holds on to code of honour.
Didn’t he just lie about summoning 4 DROs to a meeting to sort out the “Case of the Missing EC Papers” and claimed they never showed?? The said DROs were at the ACCC all the time!! What kind of man sells out his staff down the river like this?? A man who has forgotten the origin of the phrase “sold down the river: that’s who. And this is the character of a man like Lowenfield and his ilk who have conspired to shame Guyana in the comity of nations.
Your Eyewitness predicts Lowenfield will continue with his betrayal of the principles of civilised men and create a report on the recount that is so one sided, even if Chairwoman Claudette Singh were so inclined, there would be no wriggle room to call the elections as the numbers clearly show.
To wit, that the PPP won the long count and recount, fair and square.
They say “people get the leaders they deserve”…and there’s a lot of truth in this. Especially in this democratic age when the people can select the said leaders. So, what does this say about the supporters of the PNC?? Is Granger the leader they deserve?? This is a man who, we now learn, his peers in Caricom call a “sanctimonious gangster”! Were they really fooled by his inane vacuous smile and tendency to drop to his knees at the drop of a pin, when they selected him as their leader??
The question, however, is did they actually select him?? Let’s go back to 2011 at the PNC Congress when Granger was proposed by exiting PNC leader Robert Corbin to succeed him. No other person than Aubrey Norton and his band from Linden walked out from the Congress claiming that the ballots were rigged against Greenidge for Granger.
One who was created in sin, cannot help but sin!! With his inevitable defeat, those who support the PNC must insist that Granger must go!!