The morning after …the PNC Convention 

Well, well, well! Those of us watching the goings-on in our dear Mudland got through quite a hectic weekend, didn’t we?? What with the Opposition parties selecting their Knights in battered armour to lead the charge against the “wicked and vindictive illegally-installed PPP regime” – as they call them! Your Eyewitness had taken out his popcorn and “threw back” to check out the action!! He was happy to see there were no gunmen scrutinising the delegates – as had happened during the “Sanctimonious Gangster’s” selection in 2014!!
But he did see one female delegate who rushed to the front of the stage after leader Norton finished speaking (“preaching”?) – clearly inspired by what she’d heard. Something deeeep had to’ve been touched by the stirring words of Norton. After some twirls reminiscent of the Whirling Dervishes of yore, the lady  threw herself on the concrete floor and writhed uncontrollably as the message of the Comrade Leader percolated through her being!! It was so profound she couldn’t express her feelings in words. She ended up at the feet of the Comrade Leader – who appeared sympathetic to the effect of his words on the delegate and waved off officials frantically trying to help the woman to her feet!!
Now whoever feared that Norton wouldn’t be able to inspire the masses to beat the PPP had to’ve eaten their words and thoughts after this display. Can you imagine what’s gonna happen on the hustings before the 2025 elections when Norton delivers his charge?? The PPP’s not gonna be able to match this level of primal awakening of the spirit. Such individuals will be able to move mountains for the party – and certainly some SoPs – if called upon to do so!!
Now, your Eyewitness isn’t being mean-spirited to raise this sore topic of SoPs, since the PNC and Norton have claimed the last elections were ‘handed’ to the PPP by the ‘Mericans. But haven’t shown their SoPs signed by their polling agents – to back up their claim!! An interesting change, however, has occurred on the way to the Congress. Ever since the ‘Mericans brought some high-profile individuals – who had an albeit tenuous connection to the PPP Govt – in their sights, the Opposition has quit talking about “installed regimes”!!
Could it be that they hope THEY’ll be installed come 2025?? Installation is good when they might be the beneficiary – as they were back in 1964 to 1992!! And THAT installation ain’t just a matter of “throwin’ talk” – but documented in the CIA’s declassified files!! They had Burnham on their payroll!!
The new leaders would’ve had access to the PNC private files on this since 2022, no?? Maybe there’s some numbers in Washington to call??

…the AFC Conference
While the PNC held their “Congress”, the AFC held their “Conference”. This means they’re fundamentally DIFFERENT, innit??!! Your Eyewitness heard – through the grapevine – that only some 200+ delegates showed up – a far cry from the days when they claimed they were sponsored by the ‘Mericans and thousands flocked to their Kitty HQ. The HQ, of course, was built by a businessman who was promised plenty!! What happened to him?
This Conference, however, was held in a nearby Church. Was it because their HQ’s downwind from the spot where the new Chairman Patterson had urinated? Anyhow, the biggest news was the party that claimed to be the second coming of “multiracial” politics – had lost the two big names that drew Indian Guyanese voters – Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo. Nagamootoo said he was sick and Ramjattan said he was “too old”. He’s all of 63!!
But then they have the weight of all those sugar workers they betrayed after 2015 – on their backs!!
So, what about multi-racialism??

…the promises
So, what about the rosy promises made to the delegates of the Congress and the Conference?? Should voters believe them?? Their best bet is to review after they won in 2015: Ministers got 50% raise and voters got Larwah!!