The need for constitutional reform

Dear Editor,
The arguments put forward in the case appealing the decision on the elections petition makes it clear that constitutional reform is necessary to address the weaknesses and gaps within the Constitution. Given that, over time, the position of each political party may change, the ability to appeal a decision is in the best interest of both the governing body and the Opposition.
The construct of the current Constitution does hinder to a large extent the ability to correct a perceived or actual wrong committed during an election. We must, as a country, go beyond the constraints of the current construct of the Constitution, which was created to allow for the Executive President at the time to hold on to power without letting the Opposition appeal the decision of the court, which also was under the Executive President’s control.
In the pursuit of a just and equitable judicial and electoral system, we must, as a country, via the National Assembly, take the necessary step of removing such restrictions, so as to ensure the court’s ability to correct a wrong committed during the elections. Our Constitution should not be inviting to future dictatorships, but should strengthen our ability to prevent them from occurring.

Best regards,
Jamil Changlee